Source code for lingvo.compat

# Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# ==============================================================================
"""Compatibility layer for TF2 migration."""

import os

# pylint: disable=g-bad-import-order, unused-import, g-import-not-at-top, undefined-variable
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf1
import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf2
from tensorflow.compat.v2 import *  # pylint: disable=wildcard-import

# Import, absl.flags and absl.logging to overwrite the Tensorflow ones.
# This is the intended behavior in TF 2.0.
from absl import app
from absl import flags
from absl import logging
# pylint: disable=g-direct-tensorflow-import, line-too-long
from tensorflow.core.protobuf import config_pb2  # tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto
from import dataset_ops  # Used in this file only
from import random_seed  # Used in this file only
from tensorflow.python.framework import function as _function_lib  # Used in this file only
# tf.ops.colocate_with, tf.ops.get_resource_handle_data, tf.ops.register_tensor_conversion_function
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops  # tf.array_ops.batch_gather
from tensorflow.python.ops import check_ops  # tf.check_ops.assert_equal
from tensorflow.python.ops import embedding_ops  # Used in this file only
from tensorflow.python.ops import functional_ops  # Used in this file only
from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_dataset_ops  # Used in this file only
from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_io_ops  # Used in this file only
from tensorflow.python.ops import inplace_ops  # Used in this file only
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops  # tf.math_ops.bucketize
from tensorflow.python.tf2 import enabled as tf2_enabled  # Used in this file only
from tensorflow.python.util import module_wrapper as _module_wrapper  # Used in this file only
# For determining if we are running with --define=tf_api_version=1 or 2.
from tensorflow import _major_api_version  # Used in this file only
# pylint: enable=g-direct-tensorflow-import, line-too-long
# pylint: enable=unused-import, g-bad-import-order, g-import-not-at-top

if executing_eagerly():
      "Lingvo with eager execution is in early development. "
      "Please reach out to go/lingvo-eager-migration with bugs. "
      "Eager mode can be disable with tf.compat.v1.disable_eager_execution().")

[docs]def _clone_module(m): """Shallow clone of module `m`.""" if isinstance(m, _module_wrapper.TFModuleWrapper): # pylint: disable=protected-access return _module_wrapper.TFModuleWrapper( wrapped=_clone_module(m._tfmw_wrapped_module), module_name=m._tfmw_module_name, public_apis=m._tfmw_public_apis, deprecation=m._tfmw_print_deprecation_warnings, has_lite=m._tfmw_has_lite) # pylint: enable=protected-access out = type(m)(m.__name__, m.__doc__) out.__dict__.update(m.__dict__) return out
[docs]def summarize_tf2_status(): """Summarize the TF version environment.""" tf2_behavior_env = os.environ.get("TF2_BEHAVIOR") return "; ".join([ f"tf._major_api_version: {_major_api_version}", f"tf2_enabled() == {tf2_enabled()}", f"TF2_BEHAVIOR == {tf2_behavior_env}", ])
# Aliases to a few routines lingvo libraries uses often. Defun = _function_lib.Defun While = functional_ops.While If = functional_ops.If InplaceUpdate = inplace_ops.alias_inplace_update Empty = inplace_ops.empty EmptyLike = inplace_ops.empty_like # pylint: disable=used-before-assignment # Move this V2 symbol here to avoid being overwritten by its following V1 # version. where_v2 = where while_loop_v2 = while_loop # Switch between V1 and V2 symbol depending on whether eager mode is enabled. # First remove the imported symbols. del data # Then delegate to a runtime function. def __getattr__(name): # pylint: disable=invalid-name if name == "data": return if executing_eagerly_outside_functions() else raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__} has no attribute {name}") # Import the local V2 module to make sure the following V1 overwriting never # applies to the global module and symbol. image = _clone_module(image) io = _clone_module(io) losses = _clone_module(keras.losses) metrics = _clone_module(keras.metrics) nn = _clone_module(nn) saved_model = _clone_module(saved_model) strings = _clone_module(strings) summary = _clone_module(summary) test = _clone_module(test) train = _clone_module(train) # By default, with TF2 enabled and (eager execution or tf.function), # `` API will choose the stateful implementation for methods # ``, `` and # ``. which is not compatible with # `` in TF2 (see b/162270607). # Here is a stateless implementation of `shuffle`, `cache` and # `list_files` to resolve the TF2 incompatibility issue. # Note that, these methods are meant for internal use only. Please don't use # it unless you know exactly what you do.
[docs]class _CacheDataset(dataset_ops.UnaryUnchangedStructureDataset): """A `Dataset` that caches elements of its input.""" def __init__(self, input_dataset, filename): """Caches the elements in the dataset.""" self._input_dataset = input_dataset self._filename = ops.convert_to_tensor( filename, dtype=string, name="filename") variant_tensor = gen_dataset_ops.cache_dataset( input_dataset._variant_tensor, # pylint: disable=protected-access filename=self._filename, **self._flat_structure) super().__init__(input_dataset, variant_tensor)
[docs]class _ShuffleDataset(dataset_ops.UnaryUnchangedStructureDataset): """A `Dataset` that randomly shuffles the elements of its input.""" def __init__(self, input_dataset, buffer_size, seed=None, reshuffle_each_iteration=None): """Randomly shuffles the elements of this dataset.""" self._input_dataset = input_dataset self._buffer_size = ops.convert_to_tensor( buffer_size, dtype=int64, name="buffer_size") self._seed, self._seed2 = random_seed.get_seed(seed) if reshuffle_each_iteration is None: reshuffle_each_iteration = True self._reshuffle_each_iteration = reshuffle_each_iteration variant_tensor = gen_dataset_ops.shuffle_dataset( input_dataset._variant_tensor, # pylint: disable=protected-access buffer_size=self._buffer_size, seed=self._seed, seed2=self._seed2, reshuffle_each_iteration=self._reshuffle_each_iteration, **self._flat_structure) super().__init__(input_dataset, variant_tensor)
[docs]def stateless_shuffle_dataset(buffer_size, seed=None, reshuffle_each_iteration=None): """Randomly shuffles the elements of the dataset based on a stateless shuffle implementation. This method returns a stateless ShuffleDataset unconditionally. It can be used with `dataset.apply()` to obtain a stateless shuffled dataset, which supports the TF1 compatibility API `` in TF2. Example: >>> dataset = >>> dataset = dataset.apply( ... stateless_shuffle_dataset((3, reshuffle_each_iteration=True)) Args: buffer_size: A `tf.int64` scalar `tf.Tensor`, representing the number of elements from this dataset from which the new dataset will sample. seed: (Optional.) A `tf.int64` scalar `tf.Tensor`, representing the random seed that will be used to create the distribution. See `tf.random.set_seed` for behavior. reshuffle_each_iteration: (Optional.) A boolean, which if true indicates that the dataset should be pseudorandomly reshuffled each time it is iterated over. (Defaults to `True`.) Returns: Dataset: A `Dataset`. """ def _apply_fn(dataset): out_dataset = dataset_ops.DatasetV1Adapter( _ShuffleDataset(dataset, buffer_size, seed, reshuffle_each_iteration)) return out_dataset return _apply_fn
[docs]def stateless_cache_dataset(filename=""): """Caches the elements in the dataset based on a stateless cache implementation. This method returns a stateless CacheDataset unconditionally. It can be used with `dataset.apply()` to obtain a stateless cached dataset, which supports the TF1 compatibility API `` in TF2. Example: >>> dataset = >>> dataset = dataset.apply(stateless_cache_dataset()) Args: filename: A `tf.string` scalar `tf.Tensor`, representing the name of a directory on the filesystem to use for caching elements in this Dataset. If a filename is not provided, the dataset will be cached in memory. Returns: Dataset: A `Dataset`. """ def _apply_fn(dataset): out_dataset = dataset_ops.DatasetV1Adapter(_CacheDataset(dataset, filename)) return out_dataset return _apply_fn
[docs]def stateless_list_files(file_pattern, shuffle=None, seed=None): """A dataset of all files matching one or more glob patterns. Note that, if `shuffle` is not None, it will use a stateless shuffle implementation. Then the returned dataset supports the TF1 compatibility API `` in TF2. Example: >>> dataset = tf.stateless_list_files("some_file_pattern") Args: file_pattern: A string, a list of strings, or a `tf.Tensor` of string type (scalar or vector), representing the filename glob (i.e. shell wildcard) pattern(s) that will be matched. shuffle: (Optional.) If `True`, the file names will be shuffled randomly based on a stateless implementation. Defaults to `True`. seed: (Optional.) A `tf.int64` scalar `tf.Tensor`, representing the random seed that will be used to create the distribution. See `tf.random.set_seed` for behavior. Returns: Dataset: A `Dataset` of strings corresponding to file names. """ with ops.name_scope("list_files"): if shuffle is None: shuffle = True file_pattern = ops.convert_to_tensor( file_pattern, dtype=string, name="file_pattern") matching_files = gen_io_ops.matching_files(file_pattern) # Raise an exception if `file_pattern` does not match any files. condition = math_ops.greater( array_ops.shape(matching_files)[0], 0, name="match_not_empty") message = math_ops.add( "No files matched pattern: ", strings.reduce_join(file_pattern, separator=", "), name="message") assert_not_empty = debugging.Assert( condition, [message], summarize=1, name="assert_not_empty") with control_dependencies([assert_not_empty]): matching_files = identity(matching_files) dataset = if shuffle: buffer_size = math_ops.maximum( shape(matching_files, out_type=dtypes.int64)[0], 1) # Use stateless shuffled dataset dataset = dataset.apply(stateless_shuffle_dataset(buffer_size, seed=seed)) return dataset
# pylint: enable=used-before-assignment
[docs]class variable_scope(tf1.variable_scope): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Override tf.compat.v1.variable_scope with an additional error message.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if executing_eagerly(): # In eager mode, the reuse arg to variable_scope is silently overwritten # to AUTO_REUSE. We opt to raise an error instead. # reuse = kwargs.get("reuse", None) if reuse in (True, False): raise ValueError( "Setting reuse to True or False is not supported in eager mode.") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# TF 1.x symbols used in the codebase. # To keep this list short, please use TF 2.x API whenever applicable. # Only use TF 1.x API if it has no 2.x equivalent. add_to_collection = tf1.add_to_collection all_variables = tf1.global_variables # The following asserts can be directly replaced with TF2 `tf.debugging.*` # after TF2/eager is enabled. assert_integer = tf1.assert_integer assert_positive = tf1.assert_positive assert_type = tf1.assert_type assert_scalar = tf1.assert_scalar assign = tf1.assign assign_add = tf1.assign_add assign_sub = tf1.assign_sub AUTO_REUSE = tf1.AUTO_REUSE container = tf1.container device = tf1.device Dimension = tf1.Dimension disable_eager_execution = tf1.disable_eager_execution disable_v2_behavior = tf1.disable_v2_behavior div = tf1.div # tf.math.divide? enable_eager_execution = tf1.enable_eager_execution executing_eagerly_outside_functions = tf1.executing_eagerly_outside_functions floor_div = tf1.floor_div # tf.math.floordiv? get_collection = tf1.get_collection get_collection_ref = tf1.get_collection_ref get_default_graph = tf1.get_default_graph get_local_variable = tf1.get_local_variable # Only used in single file. get_variable = tf1.get_variable get_variable_scope = tf1.get_variable_scope global_variables = tf1.global_variables global_variables_initializer = tf1.global_variables_initializer gradients = tf1.gradients GraphDef = tf1.GraphDef GraphKeys = tf1.GraphKeys GraphOptions = tf1.GraphOptions # tf.image.resize(method=ResizeMethod.BLAH) image.resize_bilinear = tf1.image.resize_bilinear image.resize_images = tf1.image.resize_images image.resize_nearest_neighbor = tf1.image.resize_nearest_neighbor initialize_all_tables = tf1.initialize_all_tables io.tf_record_iterator = layers = tf1.layers # tf.layers.dense, tf.layers.max_pooling2d local_variables_initializer = tf1.local_variables_initializer losses.absolute_difference = tf1.losses.absolute_difference losses.add_loss = tf1.losses.add_loss losses.get_regularization_loss = tf1.losses.get_regularization_loss losses.huber_loss = tf1.losses.huber_loss losses.mean_squared_error = tf1.losses.mean_squared_error losses.Reduction.MEAN = tf1.losses.Reduction.MEAN losses.Reduction.SUM = tf1.losses.Reduction.SUM losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy = tf1.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy losses.softmax_cross_entropy = tf1.losses.softmax_cross_entropy losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy = tf1.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy metrics.accuracy = tf1.metrics.accuracy metrics.auc = tf1.metrics.auc metrics.precision = tf1.metrics.precision metrics.recall = tf1.metrics.recall moving_average_variables = tf1.moving_average_variables multinomial = tf1.multinomial name_scope = tf1.name_scope OptimizerOptions = tf1.OptimizerOptions placeholder = tf1.placeholder placeholder_with_default = tf1.placeholder_with_default Print = tf1.Print py_func = tf1.py_func python_io = tf1.python_io report_uninitialized_variables = tf1.report_uninitialized_variables reset_default_graph = tf1.reset_default_graph resource_loader = tf1.resource_loader RunMetadata = tf1.RunMetadata RunOptions = tf1.RunOptions saved_model.build_signature_def = tf1.saved_model.build_signature_def saved_model.Builder = tf1.saved_model.Builder saved_model.load_v2 = saved_model.load saved_model.load = tf1.saved_model.load saved_model.loader = tf1.saved_model.loader saved_model.signature_constants = tf1.saved_model.signature_constants saved_model.simple_save = tf1.saved_model.simple_save saved_model.tag_constants = tf1.saved_model.tag_constants saved_model.utils = tf1.saved_model.utils Session = tf1.Session sparse_to_dense = tf1.sparse_to_dense string_split = tf1.string_split strings.reduce_join = tf1.reduce_join strings.split = tf1.strings.split Summary = tf1.Summary if tf1.summary is not None: # tf.summary are not supported on TPU so we sometimes set tf.summary to None # to prohibit the direct use of it. # It is safe to skip copying tf.summary members in such cases. = summary.FileWriter = tf1.summary.FileWriter summary.histogram = tf1.summary.histogram summary.image = tf1.summary.image summary.merge = tf1.summary.merge summary.merge_all = tf1.summary.merge_all summary.scalar = tf1.summary.scalar summary.text = tf1.summary.text summary.Summary = tf1.summary.Summary summary.Summary.FromString = tf1.summary.Summary.FromString tables_initializer = tf1.tables_initializer test.compute_gradient_error = tf1.test.compute_gradient_error test.get_temp_dir = tf1.test.get_temp_dir test.mock = tf1.test.mock # tf.tpu.outside_compilation, tf.tpu.cross_replica_sum, # tf.tpu.experimental.Topology, tf.tpu.initialize_system, tf.tpu.core, # tf.tpu.rewrite, tf.tpu.shutdown_system, tf.tpu.XLAOptions, tf.tpu.replicate, # tf.tpu.shard, tf.tpu.experimental.DeviceAssignment, # tf.tpu.experimental.initialize_tpu_system, tf.tpu.batch_parallel tpu = tf1.tpu train.AdadeltaOptimizer = tf1.train.AdadeltaOptimizer train.AdagradOptimizer = tf1.train.AdagradOptimizer train.AdamOptimizer = tf1.train.AdamOptimizer train.export_meta_graph = tf1.train.export_meta_graph train.get_or_create_global_step = tf1.train.get_or_create_global_step train.get_global_step = tf1.train.get_global_step train.GradientDescentOptimizer = tf1.train.GradientDescentOptimizer train.MomentumOptimizer = tf1.train.MomentumOptimizer train.NewCheckpointReader = tf1.train.NewCheckpointReader train.Optimizer = tf1.train.Optimizer train.RMSPropOptimizer = tf1.train.RMSPropOptimizer train.Saver = tf1.train.Saver train.SaverDef = tf1.train.SaverDef train.summary_iterator = tf1.train.summary_iterator trainable_variables = tf1.trainable_variables Variable = tf1.Variable variables_initializer = tf1.variables_initializer VariableScope = tf1.VariableScope variance_scaling_initializer = tf1.variance_scaling_initializer where = tf1.where while_loop = tf1.while_loop convert_to_tensor_or_indexed_slices = tf1.convert_to_tensor_or_indexed_slices # Explicit 1.x symbol import. # For `nn.embedding_lookup` and `nn.embedding_lookup_sparse`, v2 doesn't have # the arg 'partition_strategy' in the API, and uses 'partition_strategy="div"' # by default; while v1 uses 'partition_strategy="mod"' by default. # Keep this for now. nn.embedding_lookup = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup nn.embedding_lookup_sparse = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_sparse