Source code for lingvo.core.hyperparams

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"""Defines Params base class, used for defining class/function parameters."""

import ast
import copy
import dataclasses
import enum
import importlib
import inspect
import pickle
import re
import sys
import typing
from typing import (Any, Callable, Dict, List, Generator, Generic, Mapping,
                    Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union)

import lingvo.compat as tf
from lingvo.core import hyperparams_pb2
from lingvo.core import symbolic
import numpy as np
from typing_extensions import Literal

from google.protobuf import message
from google.protobuf import text_format

[docs]def _QuoteString(s): """Quotes a string with appropriate quotes and escaping. This performs lite escaping by choosing enclosing quotation marks that would escape the least (either single or double quotes) and escaping those quotes and the backslash. Note that this does not escape newlines. If the string contains embedded newlines, they will be output verbatim. Args: s: String to quote. Returns: Quotes string (possibly multiline). """ single_quote_count = s.count('\'') double_quote_count = s.count('"') quote_delim = '\'' if single_quote_count <= double_quote_count else '"' # Apply escaping to the chosen quote character and the backslash. encoded = re.sub(r'([%s\\])' % quote_delim, r'\\\1', s) return quote_delim + encoded + quote_delim
[docs]def _UnquoteString(quoted): if quoted and quoted[0] in ['"', '\'']: # Note that only the limited set of escaping produced by _QuoteString is # supported. contents = quoted.strip(quoted[0]) return re.sub(r"""\\([\\'"])""", r'\1', contents) else: # Just return literal text. return quoted
[docs]def _EndsWithTerminalQuote(s, quote_char): """Returns whether a string ends with a valid terminal quote.""" endm ='(\\*)%s$' % quote_char, s) if not endm: return False backslashes = if len(backslashes) % 2 == 0: # Even number of backslashes preceding the quote means the quote is # not escaped. return True else: # Terminal quote is escaped. return False
[docs]def _IsNamedTuple(x): """Returns whether an object is an instance of a collections.namedtuple. Examples:: _IsNamedTuple((42, 'hi')) ==> False Foo = collections.namedtuple('Foo', ['a', 'b']) _IsNamedTuple(Foo(a=42, b='hi')) ==> True Args: x: The object to check. """ return isinstance(x, tuple) and hasattr(x, '_fields')
[docs]class _SortedDict(dict): """A dict with a __repr__ that is always sorted by key.""" def __repr__(self): return '{' + ', '.join( '%r: %r' % item for item in sorted(self.items())) + '}'
[docs]class _Param: """Stores data for a single parameter.""" def __init__(self, name, default_value, description): self._name = name self._value = default_value self._default_value = default_value self._description = description def __eq__(self, other): # pylint: disable=protected-access return self._name == other._name and self._value == other._value # Deep copy the value only if it is supported. def __deepcopy__(self, memo): if isinstance(self._value, (tf.Tensor, symbolic.Symbol)): # In case self._value is a tensor/symbol, let's just make a reference. value = self._value else: value = copy.deepcopy(self._value, memo) p = _Param(self._name, value, self._description) # Q(yonghui): Is this the right use of memo. memo[id(self)] = p return p
[docs] def ToString(self, nested_depth): """Prints the parameter as a string.""" def GetRepr(val): """Get the representation of `val`.""" if isinstance(val, Params): return _SortedDict({k: GetRepr(v) for k, v in val.IterParams()}) if isinstance(val, dict): return _SortedDict({k: GetRepr(v) for k, v in val.items()}) if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)) and not _IsNamedTuple(val): # NB: this constructor signature works for tuples, but not namedtuples. return type(val)([GetRepr(v) for v in val]) # NOTE(markmurphy): I introduced Repr() because it's impossible (afaik) to # overwrite the __str__ or __repr__ method of a types.FunctionType object. if hasattr(val, 'Repr'): return val.Repr() return val nested_indent = ' ' * nested_depth if isinstance(self._value, Params): # pylint: disable=protected-access value_str = self._value._ToString(nested_depth) elif isinstance(self._value, str): return '%s%s: "%s"' % (nested_indent, self._name, self._value) else: value_str = str(GetRepr(self._value)) return '%s%s: %s' % (nested_indent, self._name, value_str)
[docs] def Set(self, value): # Note that we don't make a copy of Params objects. # TODO(sadovsky): Maybe add safeguard to ensure that Params object is not # owned by other Params objects. self._value = value
[docs] def Get(self): return self._value
[docs] def GetDefault(self): return self._default_value
[docs]def CopyFieldsTo(from_p, to_p, skip=None, ignore_unknown_keys=False): """Copy fields from one Params to another, with optional skipped params. Preserves `type(to_p.Instantiate())`. Use `from_p.Copy()` instead if requiring a deep copy of `from_p`, without updating `to_p`. Args: from_p: Source params to copy from. to_p: Destination params to copy to. skip: A string, a list of strings or None. Param names to skip. Automatically skips InstantiableParams' 'cls' parameter. ignore_unknown_keys: if False: it will copy all keys and it will fail if from_p has a key that does not exist in to_p. If True: it will copy only keys which are common; it will not fail if there is no common keys at all; it will ignore keys which are different. Returns: The updated to_p. """ # Normalize. skip = skip if skip is not None else [] if not isinstance(skip, list): skip = [skip] skip.append('cls') for key, value in from_p.IterParams(): if key in skip: continue if ignore_unknown_keys and key not in to_p: continue # with ignore_unknown_keys=True, ignore keys which are different if isinstance(value, Params): to_p.Set(**{key: value.Copy()}) else: to_p.Set(**{key: value}) return to_p
ParamsT = TypeVar('ParamsT', bound='Params')
[docs]class Params: """Stores data for a set of parameters. Provides attribute-based API, e.g. " = 5". Uses internal {'name': _Param} dict for storing parameter data. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.__dict__['_immutable'] = False self._params = {} # name => _Param def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None: if self._immutable: raise TypeError('This Params instance is immutable.') if name == '_params' or name == '_immutable': self.__dict__[name] = value else: try: self._params[name].Set(value) except KeyError: raise AttributeError(self._KeyErrorString(name)) def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: if name == '_params' or name == '_immutable': return self.__dict__[name] try: return self._params[name].Get() except KeyError: # cPickle expects __getattr__ to raise AttributeError, not KeyError. raise AttributeError(self._KeyErrorString(name)) def __dir__(self) -> List[str]: return sorted(self._params.keys()) def __contains__(self, name: str) -> bool: return name in self._params def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._params) # Note: This gets called by _Param.__eq__() on nested Params objects. def __eq__(self, other: 'Params') -> bool: return isinstance(other, Params) and self._params == other._params # pylint: disable=protected-access def __ne__(self, other: 'Params') -> bool: return not self == other def __str__(self) -> str: return self._ToString(0)
[docs] def _ToString(self, nested_depth: int) -> str: # Note: We use iteritems() below so as to sort by name. sorted_param_strs = [ v.ToString(nested_depth + 1) for (_, v) in sorted(self._params.items()) ] nested_indent = ' ' * nested_depth return '{\n%s\n%s}' % ('\n'.join(sorted_param_strs), nested_indent)
# Override __deepcopy__ so that copy.deepcopy(self._params) properly # deep-copies nested Params objects. # TODO(sadovsky): Is it okay not to touch memo? def __deepcopy__(self: ParamsT, unused_memo) -> ParamsT: return self.Copy()
[docs] def _SimilarKeys(self, name: str) -> List[str]: """Return a list of params keys that are similar to name.""" def _Overlaps(name: str, key: str) -> float: """The fraction of 3-char substrings in <name> that appear in key.""" matches = 0 trials = 0 for i in range(len(name) - 3): trials += 1 if name[i:i + 3] in key: matches += 1 if trials: return float(matches) / trials return 0 if '_params' in self.__dict__: return [key for key in self._params if _Overlaps(name, key) > 0.5] return []
[docs] def _KeyErrorString(self, name: str) -> str: similar = self._SimilarKeys(name) if similar: return name + ' (did you mean: [%s])' % (','.join(sorted(similar))) if '_params' in self.__dict__: return name + ' (keys are %s)' % sorted(list(self._params.keys())) return name
[docs] def Copy(self: ParamsT) -> ParamsT: """Creates a deep copy of self.""" return self._CopyTo(type(self)())
[docs] def _CopyTo(self: ParamsT, res: ParamsT) -> ParamsT: # pylint: disable=protected-access res._params = copy.deepcopy(self._params) res._immutable = self._immutable # pylint: enable=protected-access return res
[docs] def MergeCommonKeysFrom(self, other: ParamsT) -> ParamsT: """Merges common keys content from other with itself.""" return CopyFieldsTo(other, self, ignore_unknown_keys=True)
# TODO(sadovsky): # - Maybe let users specify whether this parameter is allowed to have # value=None, and if not, assert on Get(), like required proto field. # - Maybe enforce that value is one of # {number, string, bool, list, dict, Params}.
[docs] def Define(self, name: str, default_value: Any, description: str) -> None: """Defines a parameter. Args: name: The parameter name. Must only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores. Must start with lowercase letter. default_value: Default value for this parameter. May be None. description: String description of this parameter. Raises: AttributeError: If parameter 'name' is already defined. """ if self._immutable: raise TypeError('This Params instance is immutable.') assert name is not None and isinstance(name, str) if re.match('^[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*$', name) is None: raise ValueError(f'Attribute name string invalid: "{name}", ' 'must match regex "^[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*$".') if name in self._params: raise AttributeError('Parameter %s is already defined' % name) self._params[name] = _Param(name, default_value, description)
[docs] def Freeze(self) -> None: """Marks this Params as immutable.""" self._immutable = True
[docs] def IsImmutable(self) -> bool: """Return whether this Params is immutable.""" return self._immutable
[docs] def _GetNested(self, name: str) -> Tuple[ParamsT, str]: """Returns nested param by its name.""" parts = name.split('.') curr = self for i, part in enumerate(parts[:-1]): # Get the value (nested Params object) associated with name 'part'. try: is_list = re.match(r'^(.+)\[(.+)\]$', part) if is_list: part = list_index = int( # pylint: disable=protected-access curr = curr._params[part].Get() if is_list: curr = curr[list_index] except KeyError: raise AttributeError('.'.join(parts[:i + 1])) assert isinstance(curr, Params), ('Cannot introspect %s for %s' % (type(curr), '.'.join(parts[:i + 1]))) return curr, parts[-1]
[docs] def Set(self: ParamsT, **kwargs: Any) -> ParamsT: """Sets multiple parameters. Dots in names indicate navigation into nested Params objects. We do not allow navigation into lists or dicts, and may ban these types altogether in favor of string representations. Args: **kwargs: Name-value pairs to set. Returns: self """ if self._immutable: raise TypeError('This Params instance is immutable: %s' % self) for name, value in kwargs.items(): # Get nested param. param, key = self._GetNested(name) # Update the value associated with key. try: # pylint: disable=protected-access param._params[key].Set(value) except KeyError: raise AttributeError(self._KeyErrorString(name)) return self
[docs] def Get(self, name: str) -> Any: """Get parameter. Dots in names indicate navigation into nested Params objects. We do not allow navigation into lists or dicts, and may ban these types altogether in favor of string representations. Args: name: (str) Name. Returns: value. Raises: AttributeError: if parameter is not found """ param, key = self._GetNested(name) # Get the value associated with key. try: # pylint: disable=protected-access return param._params[key].Get() except KeyError: raise AttributeError(self._KeyErrorString(name))
[docs] def Delete(self: ParamsT, *args) -> ParamsT: """Deletes multiple parameters. Dots in names indicate navigation into nested Params objects. We do not allow navigation into lists or dicts, and may ban these types altogether in favor of string representations. Args: *args: List of names. Returns: self """ if self._immutable: raise TypeError('This Params instance is immutable.') for name in args: # Get nested param. param, key = self._GetNested(name) # Delete the key. try: # pylint: disable=protected-access del param._params[key] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(self._KeyErrorString(name)) return self
[docs] def IterParams(self) -> Generator[Tuple[str, Any], None, None]: """Pythonic dict-like iteration.""" for name, param in self._params.items(): yield (name, param.Get())
[docs] def GetKeys(self) -> List[str]: return list(self._params.keys())
[docs] def ToProto(self) -> hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparam: """Writes to a Hyperparams proto. Serializes the Hyperparams into a proto that can be then written to disk or sent over the network. Note that serialization is not guaranteed to be unique or stable (this is a feature of protos themselves, not this code), so using it for fingerprinting for example may not be appropriate. Refer to the ToText() method for a serialization approach that Lingvo controls. Returns: The serialized params as a Hyperparams proto. """ def _ToParamValue(key: str, val: Any) -> hyperparams_pb2.HyperparamValue: """Serializes to HyperparamValue proto.""" param_pb = hyperparams_pb2.HyperparamValue() if isinstance(val, Params): param_pb.param_val.CopyFrom(_ToParam(val, prefix=key)) elif isinstance(val, list) or isinstance(val, range): # The range function is serialized by explicitly calling it. param_pb.list_val.items.extend( [_ToParamValue(f'{key}[{i}]', v) for i, v in enumerate(val)]) elif isinstance(val, tuple): param_pb.tuple_val.items.extend( [_ToParamValue(f'{key}[{i}]', v) for i, v in enumerate(val)]) elif dataclasses.is_dataclass(val) or _IsNamedTuple(val): val_cls = type(val) items = val.__dict__.items() if dataclasses.is_dataclass( val) else val._asdict().items() param_pb.named_tuple_val.type = inspect.getmodule( val_cls).__name__ + '/' + val_cls.__name__ param_pb.named_tuple_val.items.extend( [_ToParamValue(f'{key}[{k}]', v) for k, v in items]) # Only dicts where all keys are str can be stored as dict_val. elif isinstance(val, dict) and all(isinstance(k, str) for k in val): param_pb.dict_val.SetInParent() for k, v in val.items(): param_pb.dict_val.items[k].CopyFrom(_ToParamValue(f'{key}[{k}]', v)) elif isinstance(val, type): param_pb.type_val = inspect.getmodule(val).__name__ + '/' + val.__name__ elif isinstance(val, tf.DType): param_pb.dtype_val = elif isinstance(val, str): param_pb.string_val = val elif isinstance(val, bool): param_pb.bool_val = val elif isinstance(val, int): param_pb.int_val = val elif isinstance(val, float): param_pb.float_val = val elif isinstance(val, enum.Enum): enum_cls = type(val) param_pb.enum_val.type = inspect.getmodule( enum_cls).__name__ + '/' + enum_cls.__name__ = elif isinstance(val, message.Message): proto_cls = type(val) param_pb.proto_val.type = inspect.getmodule( proto_cls).__name__ + '/' + proto_cls.__name__ param_pb.proto_val.val = val.SerializeToString() elif symbolic.IsExpr(val): param_pb.symbolic_val = pickle.dumps(val) elif val is None: # We represent a NoneType by the absence of any of the oneof. pass else: param_pb.string_repr_val = repr(val) return param_pb def _ToParam(val: 'Params', prefix: str = '') -> hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparam: """Serializes to Hyperparam proto.""" param_pb = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparam() if prefix: prefix += '.' for k, v in val.IterParams(): param_pb.items[k].CopyFrom(_ToParamValue(prefix + k, v)) return param_pb return _ToParam(self)
# TODO(tonybruguier): Move to module-level function (cls is never used).
[docs] @classmethod def FromProto(cls, param_pb: hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparam) -> ParamsT: """Reads from a Hyperparams proto.""" def _LoadClass(module_and_class_name: str) -> Type[Any]: tokens = module_and_class_name.split('/') assert len(tokens) == 2, module_and_class_name return getattr(importlib.import_module(tokens[0]), tokens[1]) def _FromParamValue(param_pb: hyperparams_pb2.HyperparamValue) -> Any: """Deserializes HyperparamValue proto.""" which_oneof = param_pb.WhichOneof('kind') if not which_oneof: return None elif which_oneof == 'param_val': return _FromParam(param_pb.param_val) elif which_oneof == 'list_val': return [_FromParamValue(val) for val in param_pb.list_val.items] elif which_oneof == 'named_tuple_val': named_tuple_cls = _LoadClass(param_pb.named_tuple_val.type) if not dataclasses.is_dataclass(named_tuple_cls) and not issubclass( named_tuple_cls, tuple): return None return named_tuple_cls( *[_FromParamValue(val) for val in param_pb.named_tuple_val.items]) elif which_oneof == 'tuple_val': return tuple([_FromParamValue(val) for val in param_pb.tuple_val.items]) elif which_oneof == 'dict_val': dict_val = dict() for k in param_pb.dict_val.items: dict_val[k] = _FromParamValue(param_pb.dict_val.items[k]) return dict_val elif which_oneof == 'type_val': tokens = param_pb.type_val.split('/') assert len(tokens) == 2 return getattr(importlib.import_module(tokens[0]), tokens[1]) elif which_oneof == 'dtype_val': return tf.as_dtype(param_pb.dtype_val) elif which_oneof == 'enum_val': enum_cls = _LoadClass(param_pb.enum_val.type) if not issubclass(enum_cls, enum.Enum): return None return enum_cls[] elif which_oneof == 'proto_val': proto_cls = _LoadClass(param_pb.proto_val.type) if not issubclass(proto_cls, message.Message): return None proto_msg = proto_cls() proto_msg.ParseFromString(param_pb.proto_val.val) return proto_msg elif which_oneof == 'symbolic_val': sym = pickle.loads(param_pb.symbolic_val) if not symbolic.IsExpr(sym): raise TypeError('Unexpected result when deserializing symbolic expr.') return sym elif which_oneof == 'string_repr_val': raise TypeError('Cannot deserialize string_repr_val instance: %s' % param_pb.string_repr_val) else: return getattr(param_pb, which_oneof) def _FromParam(param_pb: hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparam) -> ParamsT: """Deserializes Hyperparam proto.""" if 'cls' in param_pb.items: params = InstantiableParams(_FromParamValue(param_pb.items['cls'])) else: params = Params() for k in param_pb.items: if k != 'cls': params.Define(k, _FromParamValue(param_pb.items[k]), '') return params return _FromParam(param_pb)
[docs] def Visit(self, visit_fn: Callable[[str, Any], None], enter_fn: Optional[Callable[[str, Any], bool]] = None, exit_fn: Optional[Callable[[str, Any], None]] = None): """Recursively visits objects within this Params instance. Visit can traverse Params, lists, tuples, dataclasses, and namedtuples. By default, visit_fn is called on any object we don't know how to traverse into, like an integer or a string. enter_fn and exit_fn are called on objects we can traverse into, like Params, lists, tuples, dataclasses, and namedtuples. We call enter_fn before traversing the object, and exit_fn when we are finished. If enter_fn returns false, that means we shouldn't traverse into the object; we call visit_fn on it instead and never call exit_fn. Keys are of the form:: key.subkey when traversing Params objects key[1] when traversing lists/tuples key[subkey] when traversing dataclasses or namedtuples Lists of (key, value) tuples are treated like namedtuples. Args: visit_fn: Called on every object that can't be entered, or when enter_fn returns false. enter_fn: Called on every enter-able function. If this function returns false, we call visit_fn and do not enter the object. exit_fn: Called after an enter-able object has been traversed. """ if not enter_fn: enter_fn = lambda key, val: True if not exit_fn: exit_fn = lambda key, val: None def _SubKey(key, subkey): if key: return f'{key}.{subkey}' return subkey def _Visit(key: str, val: Any): if isinstance(val, Params): if enter_fn(key, val): for k, v in val.IterParams(): _Visit(_SubKey(key, k), v) exit_fn(key, val) else: visit_fn(key, val) elif isinstance(val, dict): if enter_fn(key, val): for k, v in val.items(): _Visit(_SubKey(key, k), v) exit_fn(key, val) else: visit_fn(key, val) elif dataclasses.is_dataclass(val) or _IsNamedTuple(val): items = val.__dict__.items() if dataclasses.is_dataclass( val) else val._asdict().items() if enter_fn(key, val): for k, v in items: _Visit(f'{key}[{k}]', v) exit_fn(key, val) else: visit_fn(key, val) elif (isinstance(val, (list, tuple)) and all( isinstance(x, tuple) and len(x) == 2 and isinstance(x[0], str) and isinstance(x[1], Params) for x in val)): if enter_fn(key, val): for subtuple in val: _Visit(f'{key}[{subtuple[0]}]', subtuple[1]) exit_fn(key, val) elif isinstance(val, list) or isinstance(val, range) or isinstance( val, tuple): if enter_fn(key, val): for i, v in enumerate(val): _Visit(f'{key}[{i}]', v) exit_fn(key, val) else: visit_fn(key, val) else: visit_fn(key, val) _Visit('', self)
@typing.overload def ToText(self, include_types: Literal[False] = False, separator: str = ':') -> str: ... @typing.overload def ToText(self, include_types: Literal[True], separator: str = ':') -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, str]]: ...
[docs] def ToText(self, include_types: bool = False, separator: str = ':'): """Encodes params into a simple text format. Each param is represented as a single line in the output. The param name and value is separated by a ":". The nest param name is separated by ".". For values of non-trivial types (types other than int, float, bool, str, and a few, etc.), we just print out the name of its type. Note that strings are enclosed in appropriate single or double quotes (whichever would involve the least escaping) and will have some characters backslash escaped. String properties can span multiple lines. Args: include_types: Should we return types of the values. If True, the types dict will be returned as a second val in a return tuple separator: Punctuation symbol used to separate param name and value. Returns: The encoded text or (encoded text, types dict) if include_types is True. """ def GetRepr(val: Any): """Get the representation of `val`.""" if isinstance(val, Params): return _SortedDict({k: GetRepr(v) for k, v in val.IterParams()}) if isinstance(val, dict): return _SortedDict({k: GetRepr(v) for k, v in val.items()}) if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): return np.array2string(val, separator=', ') if dataclasses.is_dataclass(val): return _SortedDict({k: GetRepr(v) for k, v in val.__dict__.items()}) if _IsNamedTuple(val): return _SortedDict({k: GetRepr(v) for k, v in val._asdict().items()}) if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): return type(val)([GetRepr(v) for v in val]) if isinstance(val, (int, float, bool, str, enum.Enum)): return val if isinstance(val, tf.DType): return if isinstance(val, message.Message): proto_str = text_format.MessageToString(val, as_one_line=True) return 'proto/%s/%s/%s' % (inspect.getmodule(val).__name__, type(val).__name__, proto_str) if isinstance(val, type): return 'type/' + inspect.getmodule(val).__name__ + '/' + val.__name__ return type(val).__name__ def _Enter(key: str, p: Any) -> bool: del key if isinstance(p, Params): return True elif (isinstance(p, (list, tuple)) and all(isinstance(x, Params) for x in p)): return True # TODO(jiahuiyu): Create single-direction DebugString for # List[(str, Params)] pattern and remove redundancies. elif (isinstance(p, (list, tuple)) and all( isinstance(x, tuple) and len(x) == 2 and isinstance(x[0], str) and isinstance(x[1], Params) for x in p)): return True return False kv = {} types = {} def _Visit(key: str, p: Any) -> None: """Inserts key-value pairs to 'kv'.""" if isinstance(p, str): kv[key] = _QuoteString(p) types[key] = 'str' else: kv[key] = str(GetRepr(p)) types[key] = type(p).__name__ self.Visit(_Visit, enter_fn=_Enter) ret = '' for (k, v) in sorted(kv.items()): ret += k + f' {separator} ' + v + '\n' return (ret, types) if include_types else ret
[docs] def FromText(self: ParamsT, text: str, type_overrides: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None) -> ParamsT: """Merges params specified in 'text' into 'params'. 'text' follows the simple text format as produced by ToText. For a param specified in both 'params' and 'text', overwrites the value in 'params' according to 'text'. Params specified in 'text' but not in 'params' are ignored. Args: text: A text representation of params. type_overrides: Overrides for the types of the params. Returns: self Raises: AttributeError: text contains invalid parameter key ValueError: text contains invalid parameter value, or the format is wrong. """ if self._immutable: raise TypeError('This Params instance is immutable.') kv = {} type_overrides = type_overrides or {} string_continue = None # None or (key, quote, value) for line in text.split('\n'): # Continuing a multi-line string. if string_continue: value_stripped = line.rstrip() if not _EndsWithTerminalQuote(value_stripped, string_continue[1]): # String continues string_continue = (string_continue[0], string_continue[1], string_continue[2] + '\n' + line) continue # String terminates. kv[string_continue[0]] = string_continue[2] + '\n' + value_stripped string_continue = None continue # Regular line. line = line.strip() if not line or line[0] == '#': # empty line or comment continue pair = line.split(':', 1) if len(pair) == 2: key = pair[0].strip() value = pair[1].lstrip() value_stripped = value.rstrip() # Detect single vs multi-line string start. if value and value[0] in ['"', '\'']: quote_char = value[0] if not _EndsWithTerminalQuote(value[1:], quote_char): # Multi-line string. string_continue = (key, quote_char, value) continue kv[key] = value_stripped else: raise ValueError('Line {} is not in <key>:<value> format'.format(line)) def _ValueFromText(key: str, old_val: Any, val: str) -> Any: """Returns the new param value from its text representation.""" val_type = type(old_val).__name__ if isinstance(old_val, str): val_type = 'str' if key in type_overrides: val_type = type_overrides[key] # Converts val (a string) to a best-guessed typed value. if val_type == 'bool': return val and (val != 'False') and (val != 'false') elif val_type == 'int': return int(val) elif val_type == 'float': return float(val) elif val_type == 'DType': return tf.as_dtype(val) elif dataclasses.is_dataclass(old_val) or _IsNamedTuple(old_val): # Maps field name to new value (or its string repr, if non-POD). name_to_new_value = ast.literal_eval(val) contents = {} items = old_val.__dict__.items() if dataclasses.is_dataclass( old_val) else old_val._asdict().items() for k, old_field_value in items: new_field_value = name_to_new_value[k] # Recurse to parse any non-POD contents not converted by # literal_eval(). if isinstance(new_field_value, str): contents[k] = _ValueFromText(k, old_field_value, new_field_value) else: contents[k] = new_field_value return type(old_val)(**contents) elif val_type in ['list', 'tuple']: return ast.literal_eval(val) elif val_type == 'dict': return ast.literal_eval(val) if val != 'dict' else {} elif val_type == 'str': val = _UnquoteString(val) if val.startswith('[') and val.endswith(']'): # We may have stored a list as a string, try converting to a list. # In case of ValueError - use the string as is. try: return ast.literal_eval(val) except ValueError: pass return val elif isinstance(old_val, enum.Enum): cls, _, name = val.rpartition('.') if val_type != cls: raise ValueError('Expected enum of class %s but got %s' % (val_type, cls)) return type(old_val)[name] elif (isinstance(old_val, type) or isinstance(old_val, message.Message) or old_val is None): if val == 'NoneType': return None elif old_val is None and val in ('False', 'false'): return False elif old_val is None and val in ('True', 'true'): return True else: try: val_type, pkg, cls = val.split('/', 2) if val_type == 'type': return getattr(sys.modules[pkg], cls) elif val_type == 'proto': cls, proto_str = cls.split('/', 1) proto_cls = getattr(sys.modules[pkg], cls) if not issubclass(proto_cls, message.Message): raise ValueError('%s is not a proto class.' % proto_cls) return text_format.Parse(proto_str, proto_cls()) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError('Error processing %r : %r with %r' % (key, val, e)) else: raise ValueError('Failed to read a parameter: %r : %r' % (key, val)) for key, val in kv.items(): old_val = self.Get(key) new_val = _ValueFromText(key, old_val, val) self.Set(**{key: new_val}) return self
[docs] def ToTextWithTypes(self) -> str: """Same as ToText but encodes both params and their types.""" text, types = self.ToText(include_types=True) text += '\n\n' for (k, v) in sorted(types.items()): text += k + ' : ' + v + '\n' return text
[docs] def FromTextWithTypes(self: ParamsT, text: str) -> ParamsT: """Same as FromText but expects to have types encoded in the text.""" text, types_str = text.split('\n\n') types = {} for row in types_str.split('\n'): if not row: continue k, v = row.split(':') types[k.strip()] = v.strip() return self.FromText(text, type_overrides=types)
[docs] def TextDiff(self: ParamsT, other: ParamsT) -> str: """Return the differences between this object and another as a string. Args: other: The other Params object. Returns: A string of differences. """ def IsStringy(x: Any) -> bool: return isinstance(x, (str, bytes)) def TextDiffHelper(a: Any, b: Any, key: str, spaces: str) -> str: """Return the differences between a and b as a string.""" if a == b: return '' if isinstance(a, (Params, dict)) and isinstance(b, (Params, dict)): diff = '' diff += '?' + spaces + key + ':\n' diff += TextDiffParamsHelper(a, b, spaces + ' ') return diff sequences = False try: len(a) len(b) sequences = True except TypeError: pass if sequences and not IsStringy(a) and not IsStringy(b): return TextDiffSequenceHelper(a, b, key, spaces) diff = '' diff += '>' + spaces + key + ': ' + str(a) + '\n' diff += '<' + spaces + key + ': ' + str(b) + '\n' return diff def TextDiffSequenceHelper(a: Sequence[Any], b: Sequence[Any], key: str, spaces: str): """Return the differences between a and b as a string.""" diff = '' for i in range(max([len(a), len(b)])): key_i = f'{key}[{i}]' if i < len(a) and i < len(b): diff += TextDiffHelper(a[i], b[i], key_i, spaces) elif i < len(a): diff += '>' + spaces + key_i + ': ' + str(a[i]) + '\n' else: diff += '<' + spaces + key_i + ': ' + str(b[i]) + '\n' return diff def GetKeys(params_or_dict: Union[Params, Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[str]: if isinstance(params_or_dict, Params): return params_or_dict.GetKeys() else: return list(params_or_dict.keys()) def GetValue(params_or_dict: Union[Params, Dict[str, Any]], key: str) -> Any: if isinstance(params_or_dict, Params): return params_or_dict.Get(key) else: return params_or_dict.get(key) def TextDiffParamsHelper( a: Union[Params, Dict[str, Any]], b: Union[Params, Dict[str, Any]], spaces: str, ) -> str: """Return the differences between a and b as a string.""" a_keys = set(GetKeys(a)) b_keys = set(GetKeys(b)) all_keys = a_keys.union(b_keys) diff = '' for key in sorted(all_keys): if key in a_keys and key not in b_keys: diff += '>' + spaces + key + ': ' + str(GetValue(a, key)) + '\n' elif key in b_keys and key not in a_keys: diff += '<' + spaces + key + ': ' + str(GetValue(b, key)) + '\n' elif GetValue(a, key) != GetValue(b, key): diff += TextDiffHelper( GetValue(a, key), GetValue(b, key), key, spaces) return diff return TextDiffParamsHelper(self, other, spaces=' ')
InstantiableParamsClsT = TypeVar('InstantiableParamsClsT')
[docs]class InstantiableParams(Params, Generic[InstantiableParamsClsT]): """Params which can be instantiated. When using InstantiableParams, callers must provide a class which supports initialization using a Params instance. This covers a common use case of Params to hold a configuration for a given class. """ def __init__(self, cls: Type[InstantiableParamsClsT]) -> None: super().__init__() self.Define('cls', cls, 'Cls that this param object is associated with.')
[docs] def Instantiate(self, **kwargs) -> InstantiableParamsClsT: """Instantiate an instance that this Params is configured for. Example: params = InstantiableParams(cls=MyObject) params.Define('weight', 0.2, 'Training weight.') params.weight = 0.9 obj = params.Instantiate() It's common for classes to have a classmethod called Params that returns a pre-made InstantiableParams, like this: params = MyObject.Params() params.weight = 0.9 obj = params.Instantiate() By convention, anything that parameterizes the behavior of your class should be stored in this Params object. However, your class may also use shared state objects which aren't really parameters, like a shared lock. These can be passed as extra arguments to Instantiate. Example: lock = threading.Lock() params = MyObject.Params() obj_a = params.Instantiate(lock=lock) obj_b = params.Instantiate(lock=lock) Args: **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the constructor in addition to this Params object. Returns: A constructed object where type(object) == cls. """ assert self.cls is not None # The class initializer is expected to support initialization using Params. return self.cls(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def Copy(self: ParamsT) -> ParamsT: """See base class.""" return self._CopyTo(type(self)(self.cls))