Source code for lingvo.core.nested_map

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"""NestedMap dict structure."""

import re
import typing
from typing import (Any, Callable, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence,
                    Tuple, TypeVar)
import lingvo.compat as tf
from typing_extensions import Literal

_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*')
_SQUARE_BRACKET_PATTERN = re.compile(r'([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\[(\d+)\]')

T = TypeVar('T')
NestedMapT = TypeVar('NestedMapT', bound='NestedMap')

def _FromNestedDict(x: Mapping[str, Any]) -> 'NestedMap':

def _FromNestedDict(x: T) -> T:

[docs]def _FromNestedDict(x): """Converts every dict in nested structure 'x' to a NestedMap.""" if isinstance(x, Mapping): res = NestedMap() for k, v in x.items(): res[k] = _FromNestedDict(v) return res elif isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): return type(x)(_FromNestedDict(v) for v in x) else: return x
[docs]class NestedMap(Dict[str, Any]): """A simple helper to maintain a dict. It is a sub-class of dict with the following extensions/restrictions: - It supports attr access to its members (see examples below). - Member keys have to be valid identifiers. E.g.:: >>> foo = NestedMap() >>> foo['x'] = 10 >>> foo.y = 20 >>> assert foo.x * 2 == foo.y """ # Disable pytype attribute checking. _HAS_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTES = True # keys in this list are not allowed in a NestedMap. _RESERVED_KEYS = frozenset(dir(dict)) # sentinel value for deleting keys used in Filter. _DELETE = object() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) for key in self.keys(): assert isinstance(key, str), ( 'Key in a NestedMap has to be a six.string_types. Currently type: %s,' ' value: %s' % (str(type(key)), str(key))) NestedMap.CheckKey(key) assert key not in NestedMap._RESERVED_KEYS, ('%s is a reserved key' % key) def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: # Make sure key is a valid expression and is not one of the reserved # attributes. assert isinstance( key, str), ('Key in a NestedMap has to be a string type. Current type: %s, ' 'value: %s' % (str(type(key)), str(key))) NestedMap.CheckKey(key) assert key not in NestedMap._RESERVED_KEYS, ('%s is a reserved key' % key) super().__setitem__(key, value) def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None: self[name] = value def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: try: return self[name] except KeyError as e: raise AttributeError(e) def __delattr__(self, name: str) -> None: try: del self[name] except KeyError as e: raise AttributeError(e) def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> Any: try: return super().__getitem__(name) except KeyError as e: raise KeyError('%s; available attributes: %s' % (e, sorted(list(self.keys())))) def __delitem__(self, name: str) -> None: try: super().__delitem__(name) except KeyError as e: raise KeyError('%s; available attributes: %s' % (e, sorted(list(self.keys()))))
[docs] def copy(self: NestedMapT) -> NestedMapT: # pylint: disable=invalid-name # Don't delegate w/ super: dict.copy() -> dict. return type(self)(self)
def __deepcopy__(self: NestedMapT, unused_memo) -> NestedMapT: """Deep-copies the structure but not the leaf objects.""" return self.DeepCopy()
[docs] def DeepCopy(self: NestedMapT) -> NestedMapT: """Deep-copies the structure but not the leaf objects.""" return self.Pack(self.Flatten())
[docs] @staticmethod def FromNestedDict(x): """Converts every dict in nested structure 'x' to a NestedMap.""" return _FromNestedDict(x)
[docs] def ToNestedDict(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Converts every NestedMap in nested structure to a 'dict' instance. This is relevant for code that checks a dictionary's exact type, instead of isinstance (e.g. parts of In those cases, we need a 'dict' object, not NestedMap. Returns: 'dict' instance where nested NestedMaps are also converted to 'dict'. """ def _ToNestedDict(x: Any) -> Any: """Function used to recursively convert dictionaries/lists/tuples.""" if isinstance(x, dict): # NestedMap is a 'dict', will match here too. return {k: _ToNestedDict(v) for k, v in x.items()} elif isinstance(x, list): return [_ToNestedDict(v) for v in x] return x return _ToNestedDict(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def CheckKey(key: str) -> None: """Asserts that key is valid NestedMap key.""" if not (isinstance(key, str) and _NAME_PATTERN.match(key)): raise ValueError('Invalid NestedMap key \'{}\''.format(key))
[docs] @staticmethod def SquareBracketIndex(key: str) -> Tuple[str, Optional[int]]: """Extracts the name and the index from the indexed key (e.g., k[0]).""" m = _SQUARE_BRACKET_PATTERN.fullmatch(key) if not m: return key, None else: return str(m.groups()[0]), int(m.groups()[1])
[docs] def GetItem(self, key: str) -> Any: """Gets the value for the nested `key`. Names with underscores will be considered as one key. Args: key: str of the form `([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)(.[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)*.`. Returns: The value for the given nested key. Raises: KeyError: if a key is not present. IndexError: when an intermediate item is a list and we try to access an element which is out of range. TypeError: when an intermediate item is a list and we try to access an element of it with a string. """ current = self for k in key.split('.'): k, idx = self.SquareBracketIndex(k) current = current[k] if idx is not None: current = current[idx] return current
[docs] def Get(self, key: str, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> Any: """Gets the value for nested `key`, returns `default` if key does not exist. Names with underscores will be considered as one key. Args: key: str of the form `([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)(.[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)*.`. default: Optional default value, defaults to None. Returns: The value for the given nested key or `default` if the key does not exist. """ try: return self.GetItem(key) except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError): return default
[docs] def Set(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: r"""Sets the value for a nested key. There is limited support for indexing lists when square bracket indexing is used, e.g., key[0], key[1], etc. Names with underscores will be considered as one key. When key[idx] is set, all of the values with indices before idx must be already set. E.g., setting key='a[2]' to value=42 when key='a' wasn't referenced before will throw a ValueError. Setting key='a[0]' will not. Args: key: str of the form key_part1.key_part2...key_partN where each key_part is of the form `[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*` or `[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*\[\d+\]` value: The value to insert. Raises: ValueError if a sub key is not a NestedMap or dict or idx > list length for key='key[idx]'. """ current = self sub_keys = key.split('.') for i, k in enumerate(sub_keys): self.CheckKey(k) # CheckKey allows k to be of form k[\d+] k, idx = self.SquareBracketIndex(k) if idx is not None: # this is key with index pointing to a list item. # create a list if not there yet. if k not in current: current[k] = [] if idx > len(current[k]): raise ValueError('Error while setting key {}. The value under {} is a' ' list and the index {} is greater than the len={} ' 'of this list'.format(key, k, idx, len(current[k]))) elif idx == len(current[k]): current[k].extend([None]) # this None will be overwritten right away. # We have reached the terminal node, set the value. if i == (len(sub_keys) - 1): if idx is None: current[k] = value else: current[k][idx] = value else: if idx is None: if k not in current: current[k] = NestedMap() current = current[k] else: if current[k][idx] is None: current[k][idx] = NestedMap() current = current[k][idx] if not isinstance(current, (dict, NestedMap)): raise ValueError('Error while setting key {}. Sub key "{}" is of type' ' {} but must be a dict or NestedMap.' ''.format(key, k, type(current)))
@typing.overload def _RecursiveMap(self: NestedMapT, fn: Callable[[str, Any], Any], flatten: Literal[False] = False) -> NestedMapT: ... @typing.overload def _RecursiveMap(self, fn: Callable[[str, Any], Any], flatten: Literal[True]) -> List[Any]: ...
[docs] def _RecursiveMap(self, fn: Callable[[str, Any], Any], flatten: bool = False): """Traverse recursively into lists, dicts, and NestedMaps applying `fn`. Args: fn: The function to apply to each item (leaf node). flatten: If true, the result should be a single flat list. Otherwise the result will have the same structure as this NestedMap. Returns: The result of applying fn. """ def Recurse(v: Any, key: str = '') -> Any: """Helper function for _RecursiveMap.""" if isinstance(v, dict): ret = [] if flatten else type(v)() deleted = False for k in sorted(v.keys()): res = Recurse(v[k], key + '.' + k if key else k) if res is self._DELETE: deleted = True continue elif flatten: ret += res else: ret[k] = res if not ret and deleted: return self._DELETE return ret elif isinstance(v, list): ret = [] deleted = False for i, x in enumerate(v): res = Recurse(x, '%s[%d]' % (key, i)) if res is self._DELETE: deleted = True continue elif flatten: ret += res else: ret.append(res) if not ret and deleted: return self._DELETE return ret else: ret = fn(key, v) if flatten: ret = [ret] return ret res = Recurse(self) if res is self._DELETE: return [] if flatten else type(self)() assert isinstance(res, (list, NestedMap)) return res
[docs] def Flatten(self) -> List[Any]: """Returns a list containing the flattened values in the `.NestedMap`. Unlike py_utils.Flatten(), this will only descend into lists, dicts, and NestedMaps and not tuples, or namedtuples. """ return self._RecursiveMap(lambda _, v: v, flatten=True)
[docs] def FlattenItems(self) -> List[Tuple[Any, Any]]: """Flatten the `.NestedMap` and returns <key, value> pairs in a list. Returns: A list of <key, value> pairs, where keys for nested entries will be represented in the form of `[10].baz`. """ return self._RecursiveMap(lambda k, v: (k, v), flatten=True)
[docs] def Pack(self: NestedMapT, lst: Sequence[Any]) -> NestedMapT: """Returns a copy of this with each value replaced by a value in lst.""" if len(self.FlattenItems()) != len(lst): raise ValueError( f'Template contains keys {[k for k, _ in self.FlattenItems()]} that ' f'does not match length of values to pack {lst}.') v_iter = iter(lst) return self._RecursiveMap(lambda unused_k, unused_v: next(v_iter))
[docs] def Transform(self: NestedMapT, fn: Callable[[Any], Any]) -> NestedMapT: """Returns a copy of this `.NestedMap` with fn applied on each value.""" return self._RecursiveMap(lambda _, v: fn(v))
[docs] def TransformWithKey(self: NestedMapT, fn: Callable[[str, Any], Any]) -> NestedMapT: """Returns a copy of this `.NestedMap` with fn applied on each key/value.""" return self._RecursiveMap(fn)
[docs] def IsCompatible(self, other: 'NestedMap') -> bool: """Returns true if self and other are compatible. If x and y are two compatible `.NestedMap`, `x.Pack(y.Flatten())` produces y and vice versa. Args: other: Another `.NestedMap`. """ items = self._RecursiveMap(lambda k, _: k, flatten=True) other_items = other._RecursiveMap(lambda k, _: k, flatten=True) # pylint: disable=protected-access return items == other_items
[docs] def Filter(self: NestedMapT, fn: Callable[[Any], bool]) -> NestedMapT: """Returns a copy with entries where fn(entry) is True.""" return self.FilterKeyVal(lambda _, v: fn(v))
[docs] def FilterKeyVal(self: NestedMapT, fn: Callable[[str, Any], bool]) -> NestedMapT: """Returns a copy of this `.NestedMap` filtered by fn. If fn(key, entry) is True, the entry is copied into the returned NestedMap. Otherwise, it is not copied. Args: fn: a callable of (string, entry)->boolean. Returns: A `.NestedMap` contains copied entries from this `'.NestedMap`. """ return self._RecursiveMap(lambda k, v: v if fn(k, v) else self._DELETE)
[docs] def _ToStrings(self) -> List[str]: """Returns debug strings in a list for this `.NestedMap`.""" kv = self.FlattenItems() maxlen = max([len(k) for k, _ in kv]) if kv else 0 return sorted([k + ' ' * (4 + maxlen - len(k)) + str(v) for k, v in kv])
[docs] def DebugString(self) -> str: """Returns a debug string for this `.NestedMap`.""" return '\n'.join(self._ToStrings())
[docs] def VLog(self, level: Optional[int] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Logs the debug string at the level.""" if level is None: level = 0 if prefix is None: prefix = 'nmap: ' for l in self._ToStrings(): tf.logging.vlog(level, '%s %s', prefix, l)
def __dir__(self) -> List[str]: """dir() that includes flattened keys in returned output.""" keys = self._RecursiveMap(lambda k, v: k, flatten=True) return keys + super().__dir__() # pytype: disable=attribute-error