Source code for lingvo.core.py_utils_flags

# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Common utilities."""

# ==============================================================================
# Note: Avoid adding dependencies to py_utils beyond standard python packages
#       and tensorflow.
# ==============================================================================

import lingvo.compat as tf

from lingvo.core import cluster_factory

tf.flags.DEFINE_bool('enable_asserts', True,
                     'If False, we disable all asserts.')

tf.flags.DEFINE_bool('enable_check_numerics', True,
                     'If False, we bypass calls to CheckNumerics.')

tf.flags.DEFINE_bool('print_debug_tensors', False,
                     'Whether to print debug tensors.')

    'testonly_skip_norm_layers', False,
    'Disable normalization layers, used for checking goldens '
    'in unittests. Normalizations make differences harder to '

    'xla_device', '', 'If non-empty, can be cpu, gpu, or tpu (case sensitive)')

    'tpu_compatible', False, 'Create variables in a way compatible with TPU. '
    'This should be true for any job that will interact '
    'with variables or a checkpoint that will be produced '
    'or consumed by TPU')

    'tflite_compatible', False,
    'Uses tflite converter-friendly ops at applicable places. This so far '
    '(08/2020) is a only best-effort option.')

    'pin_vars_to_cpu', False,
    'Pin variables to cpu:0.  This is useful for weight-sharing / multi-core '
    'inference on TPUs in which TPU core variables are managed via '

tf.flags.DEFINE_bool('disable_py_utils_debug', False,
                     'If True disables all py_utils.Debug() logs.')

    'stateless_vars_init', False,
    'Use stateless TensorFlow random number generators (RNG) (e.g. '
    'tf.random.stateless_uniform) to initialize variables instead of the '
    'default ones (e.g. tf.random.uniform). This is useful to make variable '
    'initialization deterministic on different replicas such as on TPUs, '
    'since XLA does not fully respect the contract with respect to '
    'user-specified seeds, when using TensorFlow stateful RNGs.')

    'use_eager_v2_checkpoints', False,
    'Determines whether, when in eager mode, V1 or V2 checkpoints are saved.')

    'experimental_enable_async_checkpoint', False,
    'Whether to configure the V2 Eager checkpointer to run in async mode.')

# NOTE: Using absl flags in libraries are frowned upon for several reasons:
# 1) They require or explicit flag parsing, preventing the use of
# these libraries in environments that don't look like normal binaries (colab
# notebooks).
# 2) They are process-level globals that cannot be scoped or configured except
# once during binary startup.
# Because py_utils is a library, no more flags should be used in this file; the
# existing flags are present for backwards compatibility.  Instead, consider
# using a stack-scoped configuration object such as the Cluster object. We guard
# against issue 1 above by using _FromGlobal below, which uses the default value
# of the FLAG even if flags are unparsed.

FLAGS = tf.flags.FLAGS

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs]@tf.autograph.experimental.do_not_convert def _FromGlobal(field_name, allow_override_from_cluster=False): """Get 'field_name' from a global configuration object. Currently the global configuration object used is FLAGS, but this may change to Cluster() or an equivalent stack-scoped config object. Args: field_name: The string field name to look up. allow_override_from_cluster: Allow the Cluster() to override FLAGS. Returns: The value associated with the global configuration string 'field_name'. """ if allow_override_from_cluster: cluster = cluster_factory.Current() if field_name in cluster.params: params_value = cluster.params.Get(field_name) # Return the value in the cluster params if it is not None if params_value is not None: return params_value # Now check the FLAGS object for backwards compatibility. # # If not explicitly set, get the field from the FLAGS object. If FLAGS # have not been parsed yet, the default value of the flag will be used. return FLAGS[field_name].value
# pylint: enable=invalid-name
[docs]def enable_asserts(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name res = _FromGlobal('enable_asserts', allow_override_from_cluster=True) assert res in [True, False] return res
[docs]def enable_check_numerics(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name res = _FromGlobal('enable_check_numerics', allow_override_from_cluster=True) assert res in [True, False] return res
[docs]def use_xla(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name res = _FromGlobal('xla_device', allow_override_from_cluster=True) if res: assert res in ('', 'cpu', 'gpu', 'tpu') return res
[docs]def use_tpu(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name res = _FromGlobal('xla_device', allow_override_from_cluster=True) == 'tpu' if res: assert not enable_asserts() # asserts not supported on tpu return res
[docs]def testonly_skip_norm_layers(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name return _FromGlobal('testonly_skip_norm_layers')
[docs]def tpu_compat(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name return use_tpu() or _FromGlobal('tpu_compatible')
[docs]def use_stateless_vars_init(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name return _FromGlobal('stateless_vars_init')