Source code for lingvo.core.spectrum_augmenter

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"""Lingvo layers that used for spectrum augmentation."""

import lingvo.compat as tf
from lingvo.core import base_layer
from lingvo.core import py_utils


[docs]def _random_uniform_op(use_stateless_op): return tf.random.stateless_uniform if use_stateless_op else tf.random.uniform
[docs]def _random_normal_op(use_stateless_op): return tf.random.stateless_normal if use_stateless_op else tf.random.normal
[docs]def _global_seed_from_inputs(input_floats): """Generates a random seed tensor based on input floats and mode key. Args: input_floats: a set of float input tensors that are derived from the input data (for example, input tokens). The important thing is that these are usually different for each batch. Returns: A tensor of shape=[2] with integer seed tensors derived from the inputs. """ timestamp = tf.math.floormod( tf.cast(1000.0 * tf.timestamp(), dtype=tf.int64), 10000000000) input_sum = tf.cast(tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.abs(input_floats)), dtype=tf.int64) return tf.stack([timestamp + input_sum, timestamp - input_sum], axis=-1)
[docs]def _hat(x): """Hat function. The hat function is a piecewise linear function defined such that 1) x < -1: _hat(x) = 0 2) -1 <= x < 0: _hat(x) = x + 1 3) 0 <= x < 1: _hat(x) = -x + 1 4) x > 1 : _hat(x) = 0 Args: x: A tensor. Returns: Tensor obtained by element-wise application of the hat function. """ return tf.nn.relu(x + 1) - 2 * tf.nn.relu(x) + tf.nn.relu(x - 1)
[docs]class SpectrumAugmenter(base_layer.BaseLayer): """Performs data augmentation as according to the SpecAug paper. """
[docs] @classmethod def Params(cls): p = super().Params() p.Define('freq_mask_max_bins', 15, 'Maximum number of frequency bins of frequency masking.') p.Define('freq_mask_count', 1, 'Number of times we apply masking on the frequency axis.') # TODO(danielspark): Deprecate 'use_dynamic_time_mask_max_frames' and # introduce enum parameter to replace it. p.Define( 'use_dynamic_time_mask_max_frames', False, 'If true, time_mask_max_frames is determined by ' 'time_mask_max_ratio * utterance_length.') p.Define( 'time_mask_max_frames', 50, 'Maximum number of frames of time masking. ' 'Overridden when use_dynamic_time_mask_max_frames = True.') p.Define( 'time_mask_count', 1, 'Number of times we apply masking on the time axis. ' 'Acts as upper-bound when time_masks_per_frame > 0.') p.Define('time_mask_max_ratio', 1.0, 'Maximum portion allowed for time masking.') p.Define( 'time_masks_per_frame', 0.0, 'Ratio of number of time masks to be applied against the number ' 'of frames. If > 0, multiplicity of the time mask is determined by ' 'min(time_masks_per_frame * utterance_length, time_mask_count).') p.Define('freq_warp_max_bins', 0, 'Maximum number of frequency bins for shifting in freq warping.') p.Define( 'time_warp_bound', 'static', 'To be set to either `dynamic` or `static`. ' 'If `dynamic`, time warp bound is determined by ' 'time_warp_max_ratio * utterance_length. ' 'If `static`, time warp bound is determined by ' 'min(time_warp_max_frames, time_warp_max_ratio * utterance_length).') p.Define('time_warp_max_frames', 0, 'Maximum number of frames for shifting in time warping.') p.Define('time_warp_max_ratio', 0.0, 'Maximum portion of frames for shifting in time warping.') p.Define('use_noise', False, 'Whether to noisify the time masked region.') p.Define('gaussian_noise', False, 'Use Gaussian distribution for noise.') p.Define( 'freq_noise_max_stddev', 0.0, 'Maximum stddev of frequency noise. stddev is sampled by uniform ' 'probability in range(0, freq_noise_max_stddev)') p.Define( 'freq_noise_warmup_steps', 0, 'Number of warm-up steps, in which the ' 'freq_noise stddev increases linearly.') p.Define('unstack', False, 'Whether to unstack features before applying SpecAugment.') p.Define( 'stack_height', 3, 'Number of frames stacked on top of each other. Only used when ' '`unstack` is true.') p.Define( 'domain_ids', [0], 'If domain ids was given, this parameters describe which domain ' 'will be augmented, e.g. ' 'p.domain_ids = [2, 7, 1] ' 'p.time_mask_count = [1, 2, 0] ' 'implies domain 2 will have 1, 7 has 2 and 1 has 0 time masks. ' 'All other domain will not augmented if it exists.') p.Define( 'use_input_dependent_random_seed', False, 'Whether to use stateless random TensorFlow ops, with seeds' 'determined by the input features. This feature is necessary for' 'applications including federated learning.') return p
def __init__(self, params): super().__init__(params) p = self.params num_domains = len(p.domain_ids) for field in _SPECAUGMENT_ARGS: v = getattr(p, field) if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)): assert len(v) == num_domains, ( 'Length: %d of field: %s does not match total domains: %d' % (len(v), field, num_domains)) else: setattr(p, field, [v] * num_domains) assert p.freq_mask_max_bins[0] > -1 assert p.time_mask_max_frames[0] > -1 assert p.freq_warp_max_bins[0] > -1 assert p.time_warp_max_frames[0] > -1 assert p.freq_noise_max_stddev[0] >= 0.0
[docs] def EinsumBBmBm(self, a, b, name=None): return tf.einsum('b,bm->bm', a, b, name=name)
[docs] def EinsumBmtBmBt(self, a, b, name=None): return tf.einsum('bmt,bm->bt', a, b, name=name)
[docs] def EinsumBxycByBxyc(self, a, b, name=None): return tf.einsum('bxyc,by->bxyc', a, b, name=name)
[docs] def EinsumBxycBxBxyc(self, a, b, name=None): return tf.einsum('bxyc,bx->bxyc', a, b, name=name)
[docs] def EinsumBxyBxBxy(self, a, b, name=None): return tf.einsum('bxy,bx->bxy', a, b, name=name)
[docs] def EinsumBxycBzxBzyc(self, a, b, name=None): return tf.einsum('bxyc,bzx->bzyc', a, b, name=name)
[docs] def EinsumBxycBzyBxzc(self, a, b, name=None): return tf.einsum('bxyc,bzy->bxzc', a, b, name=name)
@property def augment_weight(self): # TODO(b/180135215): apply it to other augmentations. p = self.params if p.freq_noise_warmup_steps == 0: return tf.cast(tf.constant(1.), p.dtype) global_step = tf.cast(py_utils.GetGlobalStep(), p.dtype) augment_warmup_steps = tf.cast(p.freq_noise_warmup_steps, p.dtype) return tf.minimum(global_step, augment_warmup_steps) / augment_warmup_steps
[docs] def _GetMask(self, batch_size, choose_range, mask_size, global_seed, max_length=None, masks_per_frame=0.0, multiplicity=1, dtype=tf.float32, max_ratio=1.0): """Returns fixed size multi-masks starting from random positions. A multi-mask is a mask obtained by applying multiple masks. This function when max_length is given: 1) Sample random mask lengths less than max_length with shape (batch_size, multiplicity). 2) Truncate lengths to a max of (choose_range * max_ratio), so that each mask is fully contained within the corresponding sequence. 3) Random sample start points of shape (batch_size, multiplicity) with in (choose_range - lengths). 4) For each batch, multiple masks (whose number is given by the multiplicity) are constructed. 5) Return a mask of shape (batch_size, mask_size) where masks are obtained by composing the masks constructed in step 4). If masks_per_frame > 0, the number is given by min(masks_per_frame * choose_range, multiplicity). If not, all the masks are composed. The masked regions are set to zero. This function when max_length is not given: 1) Sample random mask lengths less than (choose_range * max_ratio) with shape (batch_size, multiplicity). 2) Proceed to steps 3), 4) and 5) of the above. Args: batch_size: Batch size. Integer number. choose_range: Range within which the masked entries must lie. Tensor of shape (batch_size,). mask_size: Size of the mask. Integer number. global_seed: an integer seed tensor for stateless random ops. max_length: Maximum number of allowed consecutive masked entries. Integer number or None. masks_per_frame: Number of masks per frame. Float number. If > 0, the multiplicity of the mask is set to be masks_per_frame * choose_range. multiplicity: Maximum number of total masks. Integer number. dtype: Data type. max_ratio: Maximum portion of the entire range allowed to be masked. Float number. Returns: mask: a fixed size multi-mask starting from a random position with shape (batch_size, mask_size). """ p = self.params # Non-empty random seed values are only used for testing or when using # stateless random ops. seed_1 and seed_2 are set separately to avoid # correlation of mask size and mask position. if p.use_input_dependent_random_seed: seed_1 = global_seed + 1 seed_2 = global_seed + 2 elif p.random_seed: seed_1 = p.random_seed + 1 seed_2 = 2 * p.random_seed else: seed_1 = p.random_seed seed_2 = p.random_seed # Sample lengths for multiple masks. if max_length and max_length > 0: max_length = tf.broadcast_to(tf.cast(max_length, dtype), (batch_size,)) else: max_length = tf.cast(choose_range, dtype=dtype) * max_ratio random_uniform = _random_uniform_op(p.use_input_dependent_random_seed) masked_portion = random_uniform( shape=(batch_size, multiplicity), minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, dtype=dtype, seed=seed_1) masked_frame_size = self.EinsumBBmBm(max_length, masked_portion) masked_frame_size = tf.cast(masked_frame_size, dtype=tf.int32) # Make sure the sampled length was smaller than max_ratio * length_bound. # Note that sampling in this way was biased # (shorter sequence may over-masked.) choose_range = tf.expand_dims(choose_range, -1) choose_range = tf.tile(choose_range, [1, multiplicity]) length_bound = tf.cast(choose_range, dtype=dtype) length_bound = tf.cast(max_ratio * length_bound, dtype=tf.int32) length = tf.minimum(masked_frame_size, tf.maximum(length_bound, 1)) # Choose starting point. random_start = random_uniform( shape=(batch_size, multiplicity), maxval=1.0, seed=seed_2) start_with_in_valid_range = random_start * tf.cast( (choose_range - length + 1), dtype=dtype) start = tf.cast(start_with_in_valid_range, tf.int32) end = start + length - 1 # Shift starting and end point by small value. delta = tf.constant(0.1) start = tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(start, dtype) - delta, -1) start = tf.tile(start, [1, 1, mask_size]) end = tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(end, dtype) + delta, -1) end = tf.tile(end, [1, 1, mask_size]) # Construct pre-mask of shape (batch_size, multiplicity, mask_size). diagonal = tf.expand_dims( tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(tf.range(mask_size), dtype=dtype), 0), 0) diagonal = tf.tile(diagonal, [batch_size, multiplicity, 1]) pre_mask = tf.cast( tf.math.logical_and(diagonal < end, diagonal > start), dtype=dtype) # Sum masks with appropriate multiplicity. if masks_per_frame > 0: multiplicity_weights = tf.tile( tf.expand_dims( tf.cast( tf.range( tf.cast(multiplicity, dtype=tf.int32), dtype=tf.int32), dtype=dtype), 0), [batch_size, 1]) multiplicity_tensor = masks_per_frame * tf.cast(choose_range, dtype=dtype) multiplicity_weights = tf.cast( multiplicity_weights < multiplicity_tensor, dtype=dtype) pre_mask = self.EinsumBmtBmBt(pre_mask, multiplicity_weights) else: pre_mask = tf.reduce_sum(pre_mask, 1) mask = tf.cast(1.0 - tf.cast(pre_mask > 0, dtype=dtype), dtype=dtype) if p.fprop_dtype is not None and p.fprop_dtype != p.dtype: mask = tf.cast(mask, p.fprop_dtype) return mask
[docs] def _GetWarpMatrix(self, batch_size, choose_range, matrix_size, global_seed, max_warp_frames=None, dtype=tf.float32, max_ratio=1.0): """Returns warp matrices starting from random positions. In this function when max_warp_frames != None: 1) Sample random warp displacements from the interval [-max_warp_frames, max_warp_frames) to yield shift tensor with shape (batch_size,). 2) Truncate lengths to a maximum magnitude of (choose_range * max_ratio), so that each shift is fully contained within the corresponding sequence. 3) Random sample origin points of shape (batch_size, multiplicity) with in [shift, choose_range - shift). 4) Return a batch of 1-D linear maps that fix the boundary points and shift the origin point by the shift. When max_warp_frames == None: 1) Sample random warp displacements with magnitudes less than (choose_range * max_ratio) to yield shift tensor with shape (batch_size,). 2) Proceed through steps 3), 4). Args: batch_size: Batch size. Integer number. choose_range: Range within which the warp reference points must lie. Tensor of shape (batch_size,). matrix_size: Dimension of vector space warp matrix is applied to. Integer number. global_seed: an integer seed tensor for stateless random ops. max_warp_frames: Upper-bound on the warp distance. Integer or None. dtype: Data type. max_ratio: Maximum ratio between the shift distance and choose_range. Float number. Returns: warp_matrix: An array of fixed size warp matrices with shape (batch_size, matrix_size, matrix_size). """ p = self.params # Non-empty random seed values are only used for testing or when using # stateless random ops. seed_3, seed_4, and seed_5 are set separately to # avoid correlation of warp magnitude and origin position. if p.use_input_dependent_random_seed: seed_3 = global_seed + 3 seed_4 = global_seed + 4 seed_5 = global_seed + 5 elif p.random_seed: seed_3 = p.random_seed - 1 seed_4 = p.random_seed - 1 seed_5 = 2 * p.random_seed + 1 else: seed_3 = p.random_seed seed_4 = p.random_seed seed_5 = p.random_seed choose_range_dtype = tf.cast(choose_range, dtype=dtype) length_upper_bound = tf.cast(max_ratio * choose_range_dtype, dtype=tf.int32) # Set shift length. random_uniform = _random_uniform_op(p.use_input_dependent_random_seed) if max_warp_frames and max_warp_frames > 0: shift = random_uniform( shape=(batch_size,), minval=-1 * max_warp_frames, maxval=max_warp_frames + 1, dtype=tf.int32, seed=seed_3) else: random_ratio = random_uniform( shape=(batch_size,), minval=-1.0, maxval=1.0, dtype=dtype, seed=seed_4) shift = tf.cast(random_ratio * tf.cast(length_upper_bound, dtype=dtype), tf.int32) # Make sure the sampled length was smaller than max_ratio * length_bound. # Note that sampling in this way is biased. # (Shorter sequence may over-masked.) final_shift = tf.maximum(-length_upper_bound, tf.minimum(shift, length_upper_bound)) # Choose origin anchor point. mid_range = tf.cast(choose_range, dtype=tf.int32) mid_range = tf.maximum(choose_range - 2, 0) random_origin = random_uniform(shape=(batch_size,), maxval=1.0, seed=seed_5) origin_with_in_valid_range = random_origin * tf.cast(mid_range, dtype=dtype) origin = tf.cast(origin_with_in_valid_range, tf.int32) + 1 # Set destination point of the origin anchor point under the warp map. destination = origin + final_shift # Cast origin and destination. origin = tf.cast(origin, dtype=dtype) destination = tf.cast(destination, dtype=dtype) return self._ConstructWarpMatrix( batch_size=batch_size, matrix_size=matrix_size, origin=origin, destination=destination, choose_range=choose_range_dtype, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def _ConstructWarpMatrix(self, batch_size, matrix_size, origin, destination, choose_range, dtype): """Returns warp matrices according to origin, destination and choose_range. This function constructs a batch of warp matrices which maps the batch of origin points to the batch of destination points with fixed boundary coordinates at 0 and choose_range. The warping function, defined by the origin anchor point `origin`, the destination of the origin anchor point `destination` and the length of the domain in the warping axis `choose_range` is a piecewise linear map that fixes the points 0 and `choose_range` and maps `origin` to `destination`. For the warping matrix to be non-singular, destination must lie in the range 1<= destination <= choose_range - 1, so a destination out of this range is adjusted to be in this range before the warping matrix is constructed. The warping map can be explicitly written by first defining the slopes: 1) slope_0 = origin / destination. 2) slope_1 = (choose_range - origin) / (choose_range - destination). 3) slope_2 = 1.0. Then the origin point orig_i of the mapped coordinate i is given by: 1) i < destination: orig_i = slope_0 * i. 2) destination <= i < choose_range: orig_i = slope_1 * i - (slope_1 - slope_0) * destination. 3) i >= choose_range: orig_i = i. Denoting n_i = ceil(orig_i), the warp matrix element warp[i][j] is given by: 1) j = n_i: 1 - n_i + orig_i. 2) j = n_i - 1: n_i - orig_i. 3) Otherwise: 0. Applying the warp matrix to an array of pixels, i.e., warped_pixel[i] = sum_j warp[i][j] * pixel[j], one would get warped_pixel[i] = (n_i-orig_i) pixel[n_i-1] + (1-n_i+orig_i) pixel[n_i]. Args: batch_size: Batch size. Integer number. matrix_size: Dimension of the vector space the warp matrix is applied to. Integer number. origin: Origin anchor point for warping. Tensor of shape (batch_size,) and data type dtype. destination: Destination of the origin anchor point upon warping. Tensor of shape (batch_size,) and data type dtype. choose_range: Range within which the warp reference points must lie. Tensor of shape (batch_size,) data type dtype. dtype: Data type of origin, destination, choose_range and the output warp matrix. Returns: warp_matrix: An array of fixed size warp matrices with shape (batch_size, matrix_size, matrix_size). """ p = self.params # Entries of destination must be in the range # 1 <= destination <= choose_range - 1 # for warp matrix to have non-singular values. destination = tf.minimum(tf.maximum(destination, 1.0), choose_range - 1.0) # Construct piece-wise linear function fixing boundary points # specified by zero, choose_range and matrix size and maps # the origin anchor point to the destination. destination_bc = tf.broadcast_to(destination, (matrix_size, batch_size)) destination_bc = tf.transpose(destination_bc) choose_range_bc = tf.broadcast_to(choose_range, (matrix_size, batch_size)) choose_range_bc = tf.transpose(choose_range_bc) # Slopes of piece-wise linear function. slope_0 = origin / destination slope_1 = (choose_range - origin) / (choose_range - destination) slope_2 = 1.0 # x is a batch of origin matrices. # The origin matrix is the matrix such that # origin[i][j] = Origin coordinate of coordinate i for the warp map. # Denoting the destination of the origin anchor point in the # warp map as "dest," the origin coordinate of point i is given by: # 1) i < dest: slope_0 * i. # 2) dest <= i < choose_range: slope_1 * i - (slope_1 - slope_0) * dest. # 3) i >= choose_range: i. x = tf.broadcast_to( tf.cast(tf.range(matrix_size), dtype=dtype), (batch_size, matrix_size)) x = ( self.EinsumBBmBm(slope_0, x) + self.EinsumBBmBm(slope_1 - slope_0, tf.nn.relu(x - destination_bc)) + self.EinsumBBmBm(slope_2 - slope_1, tf.nn.relu(x - choose_range_bc))) x = tf.broadcast_to(x, (matrix_size, batch_size, matrix_size)) x = tf.transpose(x, perm=[1, 2, 0]) # y is a batch of coordinate matrices. # A coordinate matrix is a matrix such that # coordinate[i][j] = j. y = tf.broadcast_to( tf.cast(tf.range(matrix_size), dtype=dtype), (batch_size, matrix_size, matrix_size)) # Warp matrix is obtained by applying hat function element-wise to (x-y). # Denoting the origin point of i under the warp map as orig_i, # and n_i = ceil(orig_i), the warp matrix element warp[i][j] is given by: # 1) j = n_i: 1 - n_i + orig_i. # 2) j = n_i - 1: n_i - orig_i. # 3) Otherwise: 0. # Applying the warp matrix to pixels, i.e., # warped_pixel[i] = sum_j warp[i][j] * original_pixel[j], one would get # warped_pixel[i] = (n_i - orig_i) * original_pixel[n_i-1] # + (1 - n_i + orig_i) * original_pixel[n_i]. warp_matrix = x - y warp_matrix = _hat(warp_matrix) if p.fprop_dtype is not None and p.fprop_dtype != dtype: warp_matrix = tf.cast(warp_matrix, p.fprop_dtype) return warp_matrix
[docs] def _FrequencyMask(self, inputs, global_seed, dtype=tf.float32, domain_id_index=0): """Applies frequency masking with given degree to inputs. Args: inputs: Batch of input features of shape (batch_size, time_length, num_freq, channels). global_seed: an integer seed tensor for stateless random ops. dtype: Data type. domain_id_index: domain id index. Returns: Inputs with random frequency masking applied. """ p = self.params # Mask parameters. freq_mask_max_bins = p.freq_mask_max_bins[domain_id_index] multiplicity = p.freq_mask_count[domain_id_index] # If masking length or count is zero, do nothing. if freq_mask_max_bins == 0 or multiplicity == 0: return inputs # Arguments to pass to mask generator. batch_size, _, num_freq, _ = py_utils.GetShape(inputs) choose_range = tf.cast( tf.broadcast_to(num_freq, (batch_size,)), dtype=tf.int32) # Create masks in frequency direction and apply. block_arrays = self._GetMask( tf.shape(inputs)[0], choose_range=choose_range, mask_size=num_freq, global_seed=global_seed, max_length=freq_mask_max_bins, masks_per_frame=0.0, multiplicity=multiplicity, dtype=dtype, max_ratio=1.0) return self.EinsumBxycByBxyc(inputs, block_arrays)
[docs] def _TimeMask(self, inputs, seq_lengths, global_seed, noisify=False, gaussian_noise=False, dtype=tf.float32, domain_id_index=0): """Applies time masking with given degree to inputs. Args: inputs: Batch of input features of shape (batch_size, time_length, num_freq, channels). seq_lengths: The actual sequence lengths which mask been sampled of shape (batch_size,). global_seed: an integer seed tensor for stateless random ops. noisify: Whether to noisify the masked out regions. gaussian_noise: Whether to use gaussian noise when noisifying. dtype: Data type. domain_id_index: domain id index. Returns: Inputs with random time masking applied. """ p = self.params # Get time masking parameters. time_mask_max_frames = p.time_mask_max_frames[domain_id_index] time_masks_per_frame = p.time_masks_per_frame[domain_id_index] use_dynamic_time_mask_max_frames = \ p.use_dynamic_time_mask_max_frames[domain_id_index] multiplicity = p.time_mask_count[domain_id_index] max_ratio = p.time_mask_max_ratio[domain_id_index] # If maximum mask length is zero, do nothing. if ((time_mask_max_frames == 0 and not use_dynamic_time_mask_max_frames) or max_ratio <= 0.0): return inputs if multiplicity == 0: return inputs seq_lengths = tf.cast(seq_lengths, tf.int32) batch_size, time_length, _, _ = py_utils.GetShape(inputs) # When using dynamic time mask size, discard upper-bound on # maximum allowed frames for time mask. if use_dynamic_time_mask_max_frames: time_mask_max_frames = None # Create masks in time direction and apply. block_arrays = self._GetMask( batch_size, choose_range=seq_lengths, mask_size=time_length, global_seed=global_seed, max_length=time_mask_max_frames, masks_per_frame=time_masks_per_frame, multiplicity=multiplicity, dtype=dtype, max_ratio=max_ratio) # Non-empty random seed values are only used for testing or when using # stateless random ops. seed_6 and seed_7 are set separately to avoid # correlation of warp magnitude and origin position. if p.use_input_dependent_random_seed: seed_6 = global_seed + 6 seed_7 = global_seed + 7 else: seed_6 = p.random_seed seed_7 = p.random_seed outputs = self.EinsumBxycBxBxyc( inputs, block_arrays, name='einsum_formasking') if noisify: # Sample noise with standard deviation with factor * 0.1 + 0.0001 # TODO(ngyuzh): Make sure this won't affect EOS. if gaussian_noise: stddev = 1.0 else: random_uniform = _random_uniform_op(p.use_input_dependent_random_seed) factor = random_uniform( shape=(), minval=1.0, maxval=2.0, dtype=dtype, seed=seed_6) stddev = factor * 0.1 + 0.0001 random_normal = _random_normal_op(p.use_input_dependent_random_seed) noise = random_normal( shape=[tf.shape(inputs)[0], tf.shape(inputs)[1], tf.shape(inputs)[2]], stddev=stddev, seed=seed_7) if p.fprop_dtype is not None and p.fprop_dtype != p.dtype: noise = tf.cast(noise, p.fprop_dtype) outputs_mask = self.EinsumBxyBxBxy( noise, 1.0 - block_arrays, name='einsum_fornoisymasking') outputs = outputs + tf.expand_dims(outputs_mask, -1) return outputs
[docs] def _FrequencyWarp(self, inputs, global_seed, dtype=tf.float32, domain_id_index=0): """Applies frequency warping with given degree to inputs. Args: inputs: Batch of input features of shape (batch_size, time_length, num_freq, channels). global_seed: an integer seed tensor for stateless random ops. dtype: Data type. domain_id_index: Domain ID index. Returns: Inputs with random frequency warping applied. """ p = self.params batch_size, _, num_freq, _ = py_utils.GetShape(inputs) # Get parameters for warping. freq_warp_max_bins = p.freq_warp_max_bins[domain_id_index] # If maximum warp length is zero, do nothing. if freq_warp_max_bins == 0: return inputs choose_range = tf.ones((batch_size,), dtype=tf.int32) * num_freq # Create warping matrix in time direction and apply warp_matrix = self._GetWarpMatrix( batch_size, choose_range=choose_range, matrix_size=num_freq, global_seed=global_seed, max_warp_frames=freq_warp_max_bins, dtype=dtype) return self.EinsumBxycBzyBxzc( inputs, warp_matrix, name='einsum_forfreqwarping')
[docs] def _TimeWarp(self, inputs, seq_lengths, global_seed, dtype=tf.float32, domain_id_index=0): """Applies time warping with given degree to inputs. Args: inputs: Batch of input features of shape (batch_size, time_length, num_freq, channels). seq_lengths: The actual sequence lengths which mask been sampled of shape (batch_size,). global_seed: an integer seed tensor for stateless random ops. dtype: Data type. domain_id_index: Domain ID index. Returns: Inputs with random time warping applied. """ p = self.params batch_size, time_length, _, _ = py_utils.GetShape(inputs) # Get parameters for warping. time_warp_max_frames = p.time_warp_max_frames[domain_id_index] max_ratio = p.time_warp_max_ratio[domain_id_index] time_warp_bound = p.time_warp_bound[domain_id_index] assert time_warp_bound in ('static', 'dynamic') # If maximum warp length is zero, do nothing. if ((time_warp_max_frames == 0 and time_warp_bound == 'static') or max_ratio <= 0.0): return inputs seq_lengths = tf.cast(seq_lengths, tf.int32) # Discard upper-bound on time-warp frames when # dynamic time warping is used. if time_warp_bound == 'dynamic': time_warp_max_frames = None # Create warping matrix in time direction and apply warp_matrix = self._GetWarpMatrix( batch_size, choose_range=seq_lengths, matrix_size=time_length, global_seed=global_seed, max_warp_frames=time_warp_max_frames, dtype=dtype, max_ratio=max_ratio) return self.EinsumBxycBzxBzyc(inputs, warp_matrix, name='einsum_forwarping')
[docs] def _FrequencyNoise(self, inputs, global_seed, dtype=tf.float32, domain_id_index=0): """Applies frequency noise with given degree to inputs. It samples N(1, stddev) in frequency space. e.g. stddev = 0.1 It multiplies the noise scale vector to logmel features. Rationale of this augmentation: 1) Multiplication in freq space is convolution in time space. 2) White noise has a periodical pattern in time space, which can be represented by convolution operation [1][2]. 3) So multiplication in freq space imitates white noise. [1] [2] Args: inputs: Batch of input features of shape (batch_size, time_length, num_freq, channels). global_seed: an integer seed tensor for stateless random ops. dtype: Data type. domain_id_index: Domain ID index. Returns: Inputs with random frequency warping applied. """ p = self.params batch_size, _, num_freq, _ = py_utils.GetShape(inputs) # Get parameters for noise. freq_noise_max_stddev = p.freq_noise_max_stddev[domain_id_index] # If maximum noise stddev is zero, do nothing. if freq_noise_max_stddev <= 0.0: return inputs freq_noise_max_stddev = freq_noise_max_stddev * self.augment_weight # Non-empty random seed values are only used for testing or when using # stateless random ops. seed_1 and seed_2 are set separately to avoid # correlation of random_uniform and random_normal. if p.use_input_dependent_random_seed: seed_1 = global_seed + 1 seed_2 = global_seed + 2 elif p.random_seed: seed_1 = p.random_seed + 1 seed_2 = 2 * p.random_seed else: seed_1 = p.random_seed seed_2 = p.random_seed random_uniform = _random_uniform_op(p.use_input_dependent_random_seed) random_normal = _random_normal_op(p.use_input_dependent_random_seed) stddev = random_uniform( shape=[batch_size, 1, 1, 1], minval=0, maxval=freq_noise_max_stddev, seed=seed_1) noise_scale = random_normal( shape=[batch_size, 1, num_freq, 1], mean=1., stddev=stddev, seed=seed_2) return inputs * noise_scale
[docs] def UnstackFeatures(self, src_inputs, src_paddings): """Unstacks src_input and src_paddings based off stack height.""" sh = self.params.stack_height bs, old_series_length, _, channels = py_utils.GetShape(src_inputs) unstacked_series_length = old_series_length * sh src_inputs = tf.reshape(src_inputs, [bs, unstacked_series_length, -1, channels]) content = 1 - src_paddings lengths = tf.cast(sh * tf.reduce_sum(content, axis=1), tf.int32) mask = tf.sequence_mask(lengths, maxlen=unstacked_series_length) src_paddings = 1 - tf.cast(mask, tf.int32) return src_inputs, src_paddings
[docs] def _AugmentationNetwork(self, inputs, paddings, global_seed, domain_id_index=0): """Returns augmented features. Args: inputs: Batch of input features of shape (batch_size, time_length, num_freq, channels). paddings: Batch of padding vectors of shape (batch_size, time_length). global_seed: an integer seed tensor for stateless random ops. domain_id_index: domain id index. Returns: Batch of output features of shape (batch_size, time_length, num_freq, channels) obtained by applying random augmentations to inputs. """ p = self.params dtype = p.dtype # Unstack the features. if p.unstack: original_shape = tf.shape(inputs) inputs, paddings = self.UnstackFeatures(inputs, paddings) lengths = tf.reduce_sum(1 - paddings, 1) inputs = self._FrequencyWarp( inputs, global_seed=global_seed, dtype=dtype, domain_id_index=domain_id_index) inputs = self._TimeWarp( inputs, lengths, global_seed=global_seed, dtype=dtype, domain_id_index=domain_id_index) inputs = self._FrequencyNoise( inputs, global_seed=global_seed, dtype=dtype, domain_id_index=domain_id_index) inputs = self._TimeMask( inputs, lengths, global_seed=global_seed, noisify=p.use_noise, gaussian_noise=p.gaussian_noise, dtype=dtype, domain_id_index=domain_id_index) inputs = self._FrequencyMask( inputs, global_seed=global_seed, dtype=dtype, domain_id_index=domain_id_index) # Restack the features after applying specaugment. if p.unstack: inputs = tf.reshape(inputs, original_shape) return inputs
[docs] def FProp(self, theta, inputs, paddings, domain_ids=None): """Applies data augmentation by randomly mask spectrum in inputs. Args: theta: A NestedMap object containing weights' values of this layer and its children layers. inputs: A tensor of shape [batch, time, freq, num_channels]. paddings: A 0/1 tensor of shape [batch, time]. domain_ids: input domain_ids of shape [batch, time]. Returns: A pair of 2 tensors: - augmented_inputs: A tensor of shape [batch, time, freq, num_channels]. - paddings: A 0/1 tensor of shape [batch, time]. """ p = self.params global_seed = None # A tensor seed in case stateless random ops are needed. if p.use_input_dependent_random_seed: global_seed = _global_seed_from_inputs(inputs) batch_size = py_utils.GetShape(inputs)[0] if len(p.domain_ids) > 1: augmented_inputs = tf.zeros_like(inputs) original_inputs = inputs for i, domain_id in enumerate(p.domain_ids): augmented_domain = self._AugmentationNetwork( inputs, paddings, global_seed=global_seed, domain_id_index=i) target_domain = tf.cast( tf.expand_dims(tf.tile([domain_id], [batch_size]), -1), dtype=p.dtype) # [batch, time]. domain_mask = tf.cast( tf.equal(domain_ids, target_domain), dtype=p.dtype) augmented_domain = self.EinsumBxycBxBxyc( augmented_domain, domain_mask, name='einsum_domainmasking') original_inputs = self.EinsumBxycBxBxyc( original_inputs, 1.0 - domain_mask, name='einsum_domainmasking2') augmented_inputs = augmented_domain + augmented_inputs augmented_inputs = original_inputs + augmented_inputs else: augmented_inputs = self._AugmentationNetwork( inputs, paddings, global_seed=global_seed, domain_id_index=0) return augmented_inputs, paddings