Source code for lingvo.model_imports

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"""Global import for model hyper-parameters.

Using this module any ModelParams can be accessed via GetParams.

import importlib
import re
import sys

[docs]def _Import(name): """Imports the python module of the given name.""" print(' Importing %s' % name, file=sys.stderr) try: importlib.import_module(name) return True except ModuleNotFoundError as e: missing_module = re.match("No module named '(.*?)'", e.msg).group(1) if not name.startswith(missing_module): raise return False
[docs]def _InsertParams(module): """Try inserting 'params' everywhere in the module.""" left = [] right = module.split('.') while right: left.append(right.pop(0)) yield '.'.join(left + ['params'] + right)
_TASK_ROOT = 'lingvo.tasks' # LINT.IfChange(task_dirs) _TASK_DIRS = ( 'asr', # 'car', # TODO(b/179168646): Reenable car models. 'image', 'lm', 'milan', 'mt', 'punctuator', ) # LINT.ThenChange(tasks/BUILD:task_dirs)
[docs]def ImportAllParams(task_root=_TASK_ROOT, task_dirs=_TASK_DIRS, require_success=False): """Import all ModelParams to add to the global registry.""" success = False for task in task_dirs: # By our code repository convention, there is a under the task's # params directory. imports _all_ modules that may registers a # model param. success = _Import('{}.{}.params.params'.format(task_root, task)) or success if require_success and not success: raise LookupError('Could not import any task params. Make sure task params ' 'are linked into the binary.') return success
[docs]def ImportParams(model_name, task_root=_TASK_ROOT, require_success=True): """Attempts to only import the files that may contain the model.""" # 'model_name' follows <task>.<path>.<class name> if '.' not in model_name: raise ValueError('Invalid model name %s' % model_name) if model_name.startswith('test.'): # Test models don't need external imports. return True model_module = model_name.rpartition('.')[0] # Try importing the module directly, in case it's a local import. success = _Import(model_module) # Try all locations of inserting params. for module_with_params in _InsertParams(model_module): success = _Import(module_with_params) or success # Try built-in tasks imports. task_model_module = f'{task_root}.{model_module}' success = _Import(task_model_module) or success # Try all locations of inserting params. for module_with_params in _InsertParams(task_model_module): success = _Import(module_with_params) or success if require_success and not success: raise LookupError( f'Could not find any valid import paths for module {model_module}. ' f'Make sure the relevant params files are linked into the binary.') return success