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# ==============================================================================
"""The new version script to evalute the word error rate (WER) for ASR tasks.

Tensorflow and Lingvo are not required to run this script.

Example of Usage:

a) `python file_hypothesis file_reference`
b) `python file_hypothesis file_reference file_keyphrases`

where `file_hypothesis` is the filename for hypothesis text,
`file_reference` is the filename for reference text, and
`file_keyphrases` is the optional filename for important phrases
(one phrase per line).

Note that the program will also generate a html to diagnose the errors,
and the html filename is `{$file_hypothesis}_diagnois.html`.

Another way is to use this file as a stand-alone library, by calling class
SimpleWER with the following member functions:

- AddHypRef(hyp, ref): Updates the evaluation for each (hyp,ref) pair.
- GetWER(): Computes word error rate (WER) for all the added hyp-ref pairs.
- GetSummaries(): Generates strings to summarize word and key phrase errors.
- GetKeyPhraseStats(): Measures stats for key phrases.
    Stats include:
    (1) Jaccard similarity:
    (2) F1 score:


import re
import sys

[docs]def TxtPreprocess(txt): """Preprocess text before WER caculation.""" # Lowercase, remove \t and new line. txt = re.sub(r'[\t\n]', ' ', txt.lower()) # Remove punctuation before space. txt = re.sub(r'[,.\?!]+ ', ' ', txt) # Remove punctuation before end. txt = re.sub(r'[,.\?!]+$', ' ', txt) # Remove punctuation after space. txt = re.sub(r' [,.\?!]+', ' ', txt) # Remove quotes, [, ], ( and ). txt = re.sub(r'["\(\)\[\]]', '', txt) # Remove extra space. txt = re.sub(' +', ' ', txt.strip()) return txt
[docs]def RemoveCommentTxtPreprocess(txt): """Preprocess text and remove comments in the brancket, such as [comments].""" # Remove comments surrounded by box brackets: txt = re.sub(r'\[\w+\]', '', txt) return TxtPreprocess(txt)
[docs]def HighlightAlignedHtml(hyp, ref, err_type): """Generate a html element to highlight the difference between hyp and ref. Args: hyp: Hypothesis string. ref: Reference string. err_type: one of 'none', 'sub', 'del', 'ins'. Returns: a html string where disagreements are highlighted. Note `hyp` is highlighted in green, and marked with <del> </del> `ref` is highlighted in yellow. If you want html with nother styles, consider to write your own function. Raises: ValueError: if err_type is not among ['none', 'sub', 'del', 'ins']. or if when err_type == 'none', hyp != ref """ highlighted_html = '' if err_type == 'none': if hyp != ref: raise ValueError('hyp (%s) does not match ref (%s) for none error' % (hyp, ref)) highlighted_html += '%s ' % hyp elif err_type == 'sub': highlighted_html += """<span style="background-color: yellow"> <del>%s</del></span><span style="background-color: yellow"> %s </span> """ % (hyp, ref) elif err_type == 'del': highlighted_html += """<span style="background-color: red"> %s </span> """ % ( ref) elif err_type == 'ins': highlighted_html += """<span style="background-color: green"> <del>%s</del> </span> """ % ( hyp) else: raise ValueError('unknown err_type ' + err_type) return highlighted_html
[docs]def ComputeEditDistanceMatrix(hyp_words, ref_words): """Compute edit distance between two list of strings. Args: hyp_words: the list of words in the hypothesis sentence ref_words: the list of words in the reference sentence Returns: Edit distance matrix (in the format of list of lists), where the first index is the reference and the second index is the hypothesis. """ reference_length_plus = len(ref_words) + 1 hypothesis_length_plus = len(hyp_words) + 1 edit_dist_mat = [[]] * reference_length_plus # Initialization. for i in range(reference_length_plus): edit_dist_mat[i] = [0] * hypothesis_length_plus for j in range(hypothesis_length_plus): if i == 0: edit_dist_mat[0][j] = j elif j == 0: edit_dist_mat[i][0] = i # Do dynamic programming. for i in range(1, reference_length_plus): for j in range(1, hypothesis_length_plus): if ref_words[i - 1] == hyp_words[j - 1]: edit_dist_mat[i][j] = edit_dist_mat[i - 1][j - 1] else: tmp0 = edit_dist_mat[i - 1][j - 1] + 1 tmp1 = edit_dist_mat[i][j - 1] + 1 tmp2 = edit_dist_mat[i - 1][j] + 1 edit_dist_mat[i][j] = min(tmp0, tmp1, tmp2) return edit_dist_mat
[docs]def RemoveTags(txt): """Remove angle-bracket enclosed tags, such as <tag>.""" # Remove tags surrounded by angle brackets: return re.sub(r'\<[\w_.]+\>', '', txt)
[docs]class HtmlHandler: """Template class for HtmlHandler children. Each handler needs to implmement the Render method which incrementally writes the html for the current word. It has access to various relevant variables from kwargs, such as the current hyp and ref word, the current hyp and ref positions, and the error type. Optionally can implement the Setup method which is run once at the beginning. """
[docs] def Setup(self, hypothesis, reference): """Setup the handler state prior to looping through the transcript.""" pass
[docs] def Render(self, **kwargs): """Render the html for each word as we loop through the transcript. Args: **kwargs: dict of arguments needed for the handler to render correctly Returns: Html string for word """ raise NotImplementedError('HTML rendering function required.')
[docs]class HighlightAlignedHtmlHandler(HtmlHandler): """Handler for HighlightAlignedHtml.""" def __init__(self, highlight_fn=HighlightAlignedHtml): self.highlight_fn = highlight_fn # pylint: disable=arguments-renamed
[docs] def Render(self, hyp_word=None, ref_word=None, err_type=None, **kwargs): return self.highlight_fn(hyp_word, ref_word, err_type)
[docs]class SimpleWER: """Compute word error rates after the alignment. Attributes: key_phrases: list of important phrases. aligned_htmls: list of diagnois htmls, each of which corresponding to a pair of hypothesis and reference. hyp_keyphrase_counts: dict. `hyp_keyphrase_counts[w]` counts how often a key phrases `w` appear in the hypotheses. ref_keyphrase_counts: dict. `ref_keyphrase_counts[w]` counts how often a key phrases `w` appear in the references. matched_keyphrase_counts: dict. `matched_keyphrase_counts[w]` counts how often a key phrase `w` appear in the aligned transcripts when the reference and hyp_keyphrase match. wer_info: dict with four keys: 'sub' (substitution error), 'ins' (insersion error), 'del' (deletion error), 'nw' (number of words). We can use wer_info to compute word error rate (WER) as (wer_info['sub']+wer_info['ins']+wer_info['del'])*100.0/wer_info['nw'] """ def __init__(self, key_phrases=None, html_handler=HighlightAlignedHtmlHandler(HighlightAlignedHtml), preprocess_handler=RemoveCommentTxtPreprocess): """Initialize SimpleWER object. Args: key_phrases: list of strings as important phrases. If key_phrases is None, no key_phrases related metric will be computed. html_handler: A HtmlHandler with a `Render` method that generates a string with html tags. preprocess_handler: function to preprocess text before computing WER. """ self._preprocess_handler = preprocess_handler self._html_handler = html_handler self.key_phrases = key_phrases self.aligned_htmls = [] self.wer_info = {'sub': 0, 'ins': 0, 'del': 0, 'nw': 0} if key_phrases: # Pre-process key_phrase list if self._preprocess_handler: self.key_phrases = \ [self._preprocess_handler(k) for k in self.key_phrases] # Init keyphrase_counts for every key phrase self.ref_keyphrase_counts = {} self.hyp_keyphrase_counts = {} self.matched_keyphrase_counts = {} for k in self.key_phrases: self.ref_keyphrase_counts[k] = 0 self.hyp_keyphrase_counts[k] = 0 self.matched_keyphrase_counts[k] = 0 else: self.ref_keyphrase_counts = None self.hyp_keyphrase_counts = None self.matched_keyphrase_counts = None
[docs] def AddHypRef(self, hypothesis, reference): """Update WER when adding one pair of strings: (hypothesis, reference). Args: hypothesis: Hypothesis string. reference: Reference string. Raises: ValueError: when the program fails to parse edit distance matrix. """ if self._preprocess_handler: hypothesis = self._preprocess_handler(hypothesis) reference = self._preprocess_handler(reference) # Setup html handlers self._html_handler.Setup(hypothesis, reference) # Compute edit distance. hypothesis = RemoveTags(hypothesis) hyp_words = hypothesis.split() ref_words = reference.split() distmat = ComputeEditDistanceMatrix(hyp_words, ref_words) # Back trace, to distinguish different errors: ins, del, sub. pos_hyp, pos_ref = len(hyp_words), len(ref_words) wer_info = {'sub': 0, 'ins': 0, 'del': 0, 'nw': len(ref_words)} aligned_html = '' matched_ref = '' while pos_hyp > 0 or pos_ref > 0: err_type = '' # Distinguish error type by back tracking if pos_ref == 0: err_type = 'ins' elif pos_hyp == 0: err_type = 'del' else: if hyp_words[pos_hyp - 1] == ref_words[pos_ref - 1]: err_type = 'none' # correct error elif distmat[pos_ref][pos_hyp] == distmat[pos_ref - 1][pos_hyp - 1] + 1: err_type = 'sub' # substitute error elif distmat[pos_ref][pos_hyp] == distmat[pos_ref - 1][pos_hyp] + 1: err_type = 'del' # deletion error elif distmat[pos_ref][pos_hyp] == distmat[pos_ref][pos_hyp - 1] + 1: err_type = 'ins' # insersion error else: raise ValueError('fail to parse edit distance matrix.') # Generate aligned_html if self._html_handler: kwargs = dict( err_type=err_type, pos_hyp=pos_hyp, pos_ref=pos_ref, ) if pos_hyp == 0 or not hyp_words: kwargs['hyp_word'] = ' ' else: kwargs['hyp_word'] = hyp_words[pos_hyp - 1] if pos_ref == 0 or not ref_words: kwargs['ref_word'] = ' ' else: kwargs['ref_word'] = ref_words[pos_ref - 1] aligned_html = self._html_handler.Render(**kwargs) + aligned_html # If no error, go to previous ref and hyp. if err_type == 'none': matched_ref = hyp_words[pos_hyp - 1] + ' ' + matched_ref pos_hyp, pos_ref = pos_hyp - 1, pos_ref - 1 continue # Update error. wer_info[err_type] += 1 # Adjust position of ref and hyp. if err_type == 'del': pos_ref = pos_ref - 1 elif err_type == 'ins': pos_hyp = pos_hyp - 1 else: # err_type == 'sub' pos_hyp, pos_ref = pos_hyp - 1, pos_ref - 1 # Verify the computation of edit distance finishes assert distmat[-1][-1] == wer_info['ins'] + \ wer_info['del'] + wer_info['sub'] # Accumulate err_info before the next (hyp, ref). for k in wer_info: self.wer_info[k] += wer_info[k] # Collect aligned_htmls. if self._html_handler: self.aligned_htmls += [aligned_html] # Update key phrase info. if self.key_phrases: for w in self.key_phrases: self.ref_keyphrase_counts[w] += reference.count(w) self.hyp_keyphrase_counts[w] += hypothesis.count(w) self.matched_keyphrase_counts[w] += matched_ref.count(w)
[docs] def GetWER(self): """Compute Word Error Rate (WER). Note WER can be larger than 100.0, esp when there are many insertion errors. Returns: WER as percentage number, usually between 0.0 to 100.0 """ nref = self.wer_info['nw'] nref = max(1, nref) # non_zero value for division total_error = self.wer_info['ins'] \ + self.wer_info['del'] + self.wer_info['sub'] return total_error * 100.0 / nref
[docs] def GetBreakdownWER(self): """Compute breakdown WER. Returns: A dictionary with del/ins/sub as key, and the error rates in percentage number as value. """ nref = self.wer_info['nw'] nref = max(1, nref) # non_zero value for division wer_breakdown = dict() wer_breakdown['ins'] = self.wer_info['ins'] * 100.0 / nref wer_breakdown['del'] = self.wer_info['del'] * 100.0 / nref wer_breakdown['sub'] = self.wer_info['sub'] * 100.0 / nref return wer_breakdown
[docs] def GetKeyPhraseStats(self): """Measure the Jaccard similarity of key phrases between hyps and refs. Returns: jaccard_similarity: jaccard similarity, between 0.0 and 1.0 F1_keyphrase: F1 score (=2/(1/prec + 1/recall)), between 0.0 and 1.0 matched_keyphrases: num of matched key phrases. ref_keyphrases: num of key phrases in the reference strings. hyp_keyphrases: num of key phrases in the hypothesis strings. """ matched_k = sum(self.matched_keyphrase_counts.values()) ref_k = sum(self.ref_keyphrase_counts.values()) hyp_k = sum(self.hyp_keyphrase_counts.values()) joined_k = ref_k + hyp_k - matched_k joined_k = max(1, joined_k) # non_zero value for division jaccard_similarity = matched_k * 1.0 / joined_k f1_k = 2.0 * matched_k / max(ref_k + hyp_k, 1.0) return (jaccard_similarity, f1_k, matched_k, ref_k, hyp_k)
[docs] def GetSummaries(self): """Generate strings to summarize word errors and key phrase errors. Returns: str_sum: string summarizing total error, total word and WER. str_details: string breaking down three error types: del, ins, sub. str_str_keyphrases_info: string summarizing kerphrase information. """ nref = self.wer_info['nw'] total_error = self.wer_info['ins'] \ + self.wer_info['del'] + self.wer_info['sub'] str_sum = 'total WER = %d, total word = %d, wer = %.2f%%' % ( total_error, nref, self.GetWER()) str_details = 'Error breakdown: del = %.2f%%, ins=%.2f%%, sub=%.2f%%' % ( self.wer_info['del'] * 100.0 / nref, self.wer_info['ins'] * 100.0 / nref, self.wer_info['sub'] * 100.0 / nref) str_keyphrases_info = '' if self.key_phrases: jaccard_p, f1_p, matched_p, ref_p, hyp_p = self.GetKeyPhraseStats() str_keyphrases_info = ('matched %d key phrases (%d in ref, %d in hyp), ' 'jaccard similarity=%.2f, F1=%.2f') % \ (matched_p, ref_p, hyp_p, jaccard_p, f1_p) return str_sum, str_details, str_keyphrases_info
[docs]def main(argv): hypothesis = open(argv[1], 'r').read() reference = open(argv[2], 'r').read() if len(argv) == 4: phrase_lines = open(argv[3]).readlines() keyphrases = [line.strip() for line in phrase_lines] else: keyphrases = None wer_obj = SimpleWER( key_phrases=keyphrases, html_handler=HighlightAlignedHtmlHandler(HighlightAlignedHtml), preprocess_handler=RemoveCommentTxtPreprocess) wer_obj.AddHypRef(hypothesis, reference) str_summary, str_details, str_keyphrases_info = wer_obj.GetSummaries() print(str_summary) print(str_details) print(str_keyphrases_info) try: fn_output = argv[1] + '_diagnosis.html' aligned_html = '<br>'.join(wer_obj.aligned_htmls) with open(fn_output, 'wt') as fp: fp.write('<body><html>') fp.write('<div>%s</div>' % aligned_html) fp.write('</body></html>') except IOError: print('failed to write diagnosis html')
if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 3 or len(sys.argv) > 4: print(""" Example of Usage: python file_hypothesis file_reference or python file_hypothesis file_reference file_keyphrases where file_hypothesis is the file name for hypothesis text file_reference is the file name for reference text. file_keyphrases (optional) is the filename of key phrases over which you want to measure accuracy. Or you can use this file as a library, and call class SimpleWER .AddHypRef(hyp, ref): add one pair of hypothesis/reference. You can call this function multiple times. .GetWER(): get the Word Error Rate (WER). .GetBreakdownWER(): get the del/ins/sub breakdown WER. .GetKeyPhraseStats(): get stats for key phrases. The first value is Jaccard Similarity of key phrases. .GetSummaries(): generate strings to summarize word error and key phrase errors. """) sys.exit(1) main(sys.argv)