lingvo.core.entmax module

Define the entmax sampling and entmax loss.

This is the entmax that demonstrated in this publication: And the implementation is based on the which is implemented in pytorch. We hope to use it in Meena2 to unify the training and inference under the entmax framework that can produce the sparse probabilities.

lingvo.core.entmax._calculate_probability(inputs: Tensor, alpha: float = 1.5)[source]

Calculate the probability.

lingvo.core.entmax.entmax_support(inputs: Tensor, alpha: float = 1.5, axis: int = -1, n_iter: int = 50, ensure_sum_one: bool = True) Tensor[source]

Calculate the entmax probabilities.

lingvo.core.entmax.entmax_loss(labels: Tensor, inputs: Tensor, alpha: float = 1.5, n_iter: int = 50, ensure_sum_one: bool = True) Tensor[source]

Calculates the loss using the entmax.