
T2T: Create Your Own Model

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Here we show how to create your own model in T2T.

The T2TModel class - abstract base class for models

T2TModel has three typical usages:

  1. Estimator: The method make_estimator_model_fn builds a model_fn for the tf.Estimator workflow of training, evaluation, and prediction. It performs the method call, which performs the core computation, followed by estimator_spec_train, estimator_spec_eval, or estimator_spec_predict depending on the tf.Estimator mode.
  2. Layer: The method call enables T2TModel to be used a callable by itself. It calls the following methods:

    • bottom, which transforms features according to problem_hparams’ input and target Modalitys;
    • body, which takes features and performs the core model computation to return output and any auxiliary loss terms;
    • top, which takes features and the body output, and transforms them according to problem_hparams’ input and target Modalitys to return the final logits;
    • loss, which takes the logits, forms any missing training loss, and sums all loss terms.
  3. Inference: The method infer enables T2TModel to make sequence predictions by itself.

Creating your own model

  1. Create a class that extends T2TModel. This example creates a copy of an existing basic fully-connected network:

    from tensor2tensor.utils import t2t_model
    class MyFC(t2t_model.T2TModel):
  2. Implement the body method:

    class MyFC(t2t_model.T2TModel):
      def body(self, features):
        hparams = self.hparams
        x = features["inputs"]
        shape = common_layers.shape_list(x)
        x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, shape[1] * shape[2] * shape[3]])  # Flatten input as in T2T they are all 4D vectors
        for i in range(hparams.num_hidden_layers): # create layers
          x = tf.layers.dense(x, hparams.hidden_size, name="layer_%d" % i)
          x = tf.nn.dropout(x, keep_prob=1.0 - hparams.dropout)
          x = tf.nn.relu(x)
        return tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(x, axis=1), axis=1)  # 4D For T2T.

    Method Signature:

    • Args:

      • features: dict of str to Tensor, where each Tensor has shape [batch_size, …, hidden_size]. It typically contains keys inputs and targets.
    • Returns one of:

      • output: Tensor of pre-logit activations with shape [batch_size, …, hidden_size].
      • losses: Either single loss as a scalar, a list, a Tensor (to be averaged), or a dictionary of losses. If losses is a dictionary with the key “training”, losses[“training”] is considered the final training loss and output is considered logits; self.top and self.loss will be skipped.
  3. Register your model:

    from tensor2tensor.utils import registry
    class MyFC(t2t_model.T2TModel):
       # ...
  4. Use it with t2t tools as any other model:

    Have in mind that names are translated from camel case to snake_case MyFC -> my_fc and that you need to point t2t to the directory containing your model with the --t2t_usr_dir flag. For example if you want to train a model on gcloud with 1 GPU worker on the IMDB sentiment task, you can run your model by executing the following command from your model class directory.

    t2t-trainer \
      --model=my_fc \
      --cloud_mlengine --worker_gpu=1 \
      --generate_data \
      --data_dir='gs://data' \
      --output_dir='gs://out' \
      --problem=sentiment_imdb \
      --hparams_set=basic_fc_small \
      --train_steps=10000 \
      --eval_steps=10 \