1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131
/// Array zip macro: lock step function application across several arrays and
/// producers.
/// This is a shorthand for [`Zip`](crate::Zip).
/// This example:
/// ```rust,ignore
/// azip!((a in &mut a, &b in &b, &c in &c) *a = b + c);
/// ```
/// Is equivalent to:
/// ```rust,ignore
/// Zip::from(&mut a).and(&b).and(&c).for_each(|a, &b, &c| {
/// *a = b + c
/// });
/// ```
/// The syntax is either
/// `azip!((` *pat* `in` *expr* `,` *[* *pat* `in` *expr* `,` ... *]* `)` *body_expr* `)`
/// or, to use `Zip::indexed` instead of `Zip::from`,
/// `azip!((index` *pat* `,` *pat* `in` *expr* `,` *[* *pat* `in` *expr* `,` ... *]* `)` *body_expr* `)`
/// The *expr* are expressions whose types must implement `IntoNdProducer`, the
/// *pat* are the patterns of the parameters to the closure called by
/// `Zip::for_each`, and *body_expr* is the body of the closure called by
/// `Zip::for_each`. You can think of each *pat* `in` *expr* as being analogous to
/// the `pat in expr` of a normal loop `for pat in expr { statements }`: a
/// pattern, followed by `in`, followed by an expression that implements
/// `IntoNdProducer` (analogous to `IntoIterator` for a `for` loop).
/// **Panics** if any of the arrays are not of the same shape.
/// ## Examples
/// ```rust
/// use ndarray::{azip, Array1, Array2, Axis};
/// type M = Array2<f32>;
/// // Setup example arrays
/// let mut a = M::zeros((16, 16));
/// let mut b = M::zeros(a.dim());
/// let mut c = M::zeros(a.dim());
/// // assign values
/// b.fill(1.);
/// for ((i, j), elt) in c.indexed_iter_mut() {
/// *elt = (i + 10 * j) as f32;
/// }
/// // Example 1: Compute a simple ternary operation:
/// // elementwise addition of b and c, stored in a
/// azip!((a in &mut a, &b in &b, &c in &c) *a = b + c);
/// assert_eq!(a, &b + &c);
/// // Example 2: azip!() with index
/// azip!((index (i, j), &b in &b, &c in &c) {
/// a[[i, j]] = b - c;
/// });
/// assert_eq!(a, &b - &c);
/// // Example 3: azip!() on references
/// // See the definition of the function below
/// borrow_multiply(&mut a, &b, &c);
/// assert_eq!(a, &b * &c);
/// // Since this function borrows its inputs, the `IntoNdProducer`
/// // expressions don't need to explicitly include `&mut` or `&`.
/// fn borrow_multiply(a: &mut M, b: &M, c: &M) {
/// azip!((a in a, &b in b, &c in c) *a = b * c);
/// }
/// // Example 4: using azip!() without dereference in pattern.
/// //
/// // Create a new array `totals` with one entry per row of `a`.
/// // Use azip to traverse the rows of `a` and assign to the corresponding
/// // entry in `totals` with the sum across each row.
/// //
/// // The row is an array view; it doesn't need to be dereferenced.
/// let mut totals = Array1::zeros(a.nrows());
/// azip!((totals in &mut totals, row in a.rows()) *totals = row.sum());
/// // Check the result against the built in `.sum_axis()` along axis 1.
/// assert_eq!(totals, a.sum_axis(Axis(1)));
/// ```
macro_rules! azip {
// Indexed with a single producer
// we allow an optional trailing comma after the producers in each rule.
(@build $apply:ident (index $index:pat, $first_pat:pat in $first_prod:expr $(,)?) $body:expr) => {
$crate::Zip::indexed($first_prod).$apply(|$index, $first_pat| $body)
// Indexed with more than one producer
(@build $apply:ident (index $index:pat, $first_pat:pat in $first_prod:expr, $($pat:pat in $prod:expr),* $(,)?) $body:expr) => {
.$apply(|$index, $first_pat, $($pat),*| $body)
// Unindexed with a single producer
(@build $apply:ident ($first_pat:pat in $first_prod:expr $(,)?) $body:expr) => {
$crate::Zip::from($first_prod).$apply(|$first_pat| $body)
// Unindexed with more than one producer
(@build $apply:ident ($first_pat:pat in $first_prod:expr, $($pat:pat in $prod:expr),* $(,)?) $body:expr) => {
.$apply(|$first_pat, $($pat),*| $body)
// Unindexed with one or more producer, no loop body
(@build $apply:ident $first_prod:expr $(, $prod:expr)* $(,)?) => {
// catch-all rule
(@build $($t:tt)*) => { compile_error!("Invalid syntax in azip!()") };
($($t:tt)*) => {
$crate::azip!(@build for_each $($t)*)